Hakainde’s word is not worth trusting, charges Sichinga
Hakainde Hichilema’s word is not worth trusting as he has failed to honour his promises, say former Commerce minister Bob Sichinga.
Speaking with Daily Revelation, Sichinga said Zambians were now buying mealie meal at over K270 per 25kg bags, fuel at almost K30 per liter, the Kwacha trading at K21.26 to US$1 and the debt struck Vedanta has been given power to run KCM again, something he said they failed to manage already.
He said all this pointed to failure by Hichilema to govern.
“It’s an obvious case. You know if for a president, a President’s word is like a semi-commandment,” Sichinga said, saying people expect that when a president says something he won’t end up flip-flopping. “What did the President say to us about the exchange rate? 10 in the morning you swear me in, 14 hours it changes. Isn’t that what he said? He also talked about mealie meal. He said it will reduce to K50. Next he raised another issue. Fuel he did the calculation. He actually worked out a calculation and displayed it to all of us. We saw with our own eyes. What did he say about KCM and Vedanta? He said it would have been gone a long time ago. What has happened now in his speech to parliament? He described the same as good news that it’s back. What does it tell us about the President’s promises? That he can’t keep his promises. Correct. That’s all we can learn from that.”
Sichinga said Hichilema has failed to honour what he said and therefore “his word is not worth trusting.”
He wondered who else the people should trust if they could not trust the President’s word as leader of the country… http://dailyrevelationzambia.com/hakaindes-word-is-not-worth-trusting-charges-sichinga/