HH broke the Law, it is not President Lungu who incarcerated him-Kampyongo


    Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has said that Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema should stop accusing President Lungu of incarcerating him.

    Speaking when he featured on Radio Delight Kwitonta Fm in Chinsali, Hon Kampyongo wondered why Hakainde Hichilema would go around misleading people that he was incarcerated by President Edgar Lungu when in fact not.

    Mr. Kampyongo said that Mr. Hichilema misconducted himself in Limulunga, Western province when he interfered with the Presidential motorcade, and in the process, committed treason.

    “Hakainde Hichilema should not go around telling lies that he was incarcerated by President Lungu,” he said before adding that every Zambian knows that it was not President Lungu, but police who arrested him, and the law then had him incarcerated, and that he should not go round concocting lies about President Lungu whenever the law catches up with him.

    Mr. Kampyongo said that all suspected lawbreakers in Zambia have state facilities where they are kept in isolation as is provided for by the law and no criminal proven or accused has a right to chose where they are incarcerated.

    Mr. Kampyongo said that the Opposition leader should not go around committing crime thinking he would be incarcerated in a Five Star hotel because he is a Zambian just like any other and he is not above the law.

    “No one is above the law and Hakainde will do well to remember that he can’t go round committing crime thinking he is going to get special treatment, thinking he will be taken to a five-star hotel, no, when he breaks the law he will be incarcerated from the very same correctional facilities that everyone else is kept when they commit a crime,” Hon Kampyongo said.



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