Dr. Fred M'membe


We truly have a leadership crisis in Zambia. How can one explain the logic of a leadership that completely empties its food reserves for profit when they had prior knowledge about a severe pending drought?

They thought they were wise at that time. They claimed to be astute businessmen and farmers of top notch Agro enterprises. But here we are with a President appearing on an international news network a huge begging bowl appealing for food – the very food he sold – to the global community when this crisis could have been avoided with proper leadership, and a caring heart for the people.

Surely, what kind of leadership is this? What kind of embarrassment is this? Don’t they have shame at all?

And we should know that the world is already dealing with so many crises that we won’t stand as a priority. What is this leadership really doing? What are they in the offices for? Why are they sleeping on the job?

Mr Hichilema and his government had the information about the drought, but they turned a blind eye to this serious issue to fulfill their business interests. He has now turned us into beggars and we have no doubt that Zambia will be flooded with GMO food from Mr Hichilema’s so called friends. But at what cost? Why are they sleeping on the job?

And as we indicated before, bad weather won’t save Mr Hichilema. There’s nothing that was not expected about this dry weather – El Niño.

When he was in opposition, Mr Hichilema had rejected any use of the climate changes as a mitigation for the government’s failures. And today, Mr Hichilema wants to use the same mitigation he had rejected! What type of person is this? What kind of shameless behavior is this?

In a timely article, Dean Simuchimba (Bsc. Agric, Msc. Agric Risk Mgt) wrote:

“There is a saying that no one can escape the uncertainty of agricultural risks, but everyone can prepare for them. The stark reality facing Zambian farmers going into the 2023/24 farming season is that they are likely to experience unfavourable weather conditions that would impact their crop yields due to a phenomenon called El-Nino.

The Zambia Meteorological Agency (ZMA) has issued an advisory that the 2023/24 farming season is expected to be hit by the El-Nino which will be characterised by reduced rainfall activities.

So, what is this El-Nino and how does it come about? In brief, El-Nino is a phenomenon that happens when sea temperatures rise significantly in the Pacific Ocean off South America resulting in dry air which affects the rain formation process globally. The phenomenon is associated with extreme weather conditions of droughts and floods. It is usually associated with abnormal rainfall in the Horn of Africa, parts of Southern Africa, Central Asia as well as several other regions. On the other hand, it is associated with droughts in parts of Southern Africa, Central Asia as well as several other regions.

The impact of El-Nino is not a new phenomenon to Zambia. In the 2015/16 farming season the impact of El-Nino resulted in reduced water levels at Kariba that resulted in a national wide load shedding schedule of up to 12 hours per day. Our farmers were hard hit, resulting in a 39 per cent drop in agriculture output and a 28 per cent decline in the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The drought cost the Zambian government around US$300 million to stabilise the social-economic fundamentals of the economy.

About eight years later, we are faced with the grim reality of being hit by El-Nino again. In fact, recent data points to an increase in the frequency and severity of climate risks to the extent that even relying on historical data for price predictions has started becoming a challenge.

In the wake of these challenges that stand to threaten our national food security, it has become imperative that interventions are put in place to ensure that farmers are protected by safeguarding their crops. This is where agriculture risks mitigating tools like agriculture insurance comes in to ensure farmer’ incomes remain stable even in the wake of losses.

Farmers have several options available to mitigate the impact of adverse weather condition, and these include planting early maturing varieties, mixed cropping, and use of irrigation facilities, just to mention a few. However, these measures can only effectively protect farmers from losses if they are layered or are implemented simultaneously. This is because the use of one intervention alone will still expose the farmers to other perils. For example the use of early maturing varieties would not protect the crops from hailstorms, floods, and fires, thereby potentially exposing the farmers to losses.

This is where crop insurance becomes an essential tool in providing a holistic mechanism of protecting the farmers against a range of perils such as drought, floods, pests, diseases, hail and windstorms, fires, frost, damage by stray animals and even damage due to riot and strike under one policy.

The insurance policy pays the farmer for any losses in yield as a result of the impact of any of the insured perils. This ultimately results in the stabilisation of the farmers’ income, thereby giving them an opportunity to reinvest in inputs and other social securities for the following season. This way, the agriculture sector becomes robust to climate risk shocks and the whole agriculture value chain from input suppliers, farmers, aggregators, transporters, and millers/crushers is not heavily impacted thereby positively benefiting the entire national economy.”

These are the plans that farsighted leadership ought to be spelling out and implementing with immediacy, and not those hubristic and disjointed speech that we heard yesterday. These challenges require practical and futuristic solutions.

Mr Hichilema has totally failed in everything and he must go.

Bad weather won’t save him!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party

Video credit: CNN


  1. Fred Membe, you are so irritating such I would rather sit near feaces than sit near you! Your best friend is Satan in hell!

  2. Fred M’membe your relevance in the political dispensation is now dwindling. Are you not just ashamed of yourself everyday talking about one person. Meanwhile you want us to believe that you have the key to the economy of our country when you don’t spend a single day to explain to Zambians how you will do that. Ur now irritating

    • Spot on!!

      Mr. Mmembe does not discuss any alternatives to what he considers as shortcomings in the current administration.

  3. Hakainde Hichilema, the most incompetent President Zambia has ever had. The man took over a year to come up with a functional government. For over a year some ministries had no controlling officers. Every one was adhoc.
    He came up with a cabinet which wasnt discussing anything of substance. Critical issues to do with Mining , Agriculture, Energy, Finance, Commerce , Agriculture were not being discussed in Cabinet.
    Everything was in his pocket. The man failed to even appoint diplomats for over a year, to spear head his so called economic diplomacy. Then he started travelling all over…70 overseas trips.
    What Zambia is going through today is not about El nino, Ukraine War or Cholera…It’s just about Hakainde, and his leadership style..The man is incompetent…Period. He doesn’t know what he is doing in that office.
    2023 was wasted just arresting opposition leaders..daily arrests , then he started his useless Mingalatos with Miles Sampa…a complete waste of time. If a leader fails to handle the political sector, everything falls apart.
    He exports electricity and plunges the country into darkness in 2022. 15 hour power cuts. Then he starts importing electricity at an exorbitant price. He exports maize, and starts importing the same maize! How can one describe such a leader??? The man can’t even appoint his Foreign Minister…4 months Zambia has had no Foreign Minister.
    The Dollar is racing towards K26 again… bwafya ba Bally. Nabafilwa.

  4. Hallucinating hypocrite, it’s you who is incompetent. You believe in “Ntantameni”. Your reasoning is below par….full of bitterness. You lost elections; just wait for 2041. May be by then the UPND will be tired. For now, they will win in 2026, 31, 36 and 41

    • Kalengo my Friend, I know a failed Leader when I see one. Hakainde is a failed Leader.
      He removes resources from the Central government, where we have departments of
      Project Planning, monitoring and Control for capital projects. He takes the money to CDF with no administrative structures to manage the huge sums…. meanwhile all DCs haven’t been appointed.(2022) . We have a school here, a police station there outside line ministries….what kind of nosense is this?
      He introduces the so called free education, meanwhile he doesn’t do a needs assessment for the various schools to come up with appropriate grants which will support this free education. Pupils are now going with slashers, hoes to clean schools as there’s no money to pay workers for such duties in schools..
      He recruits public service workers anyhow..by impulse, meanwhile there’s no money to support this on the revenue side having given tax holidays to mining firms. So he sells Maize and Electricity to support the revenue side! And brings back queues for Mealie Meal last seen in the 80s and plunges the country into darkness.
      He is now introducing a new curriculum in education. This is a massive undertaking..It is an overhaul of the entire educational system in Zambia and needs capacity building among the Teachers and resource personnel. From kindergarten to tertiary education…prepare for more confusion.
      The man is lucky, he has tribal zealots who support everything he does…and the media, the fourth estate has gone to sleep.
      Am not a tantameni member my friend…Am very objective in what I say. Thank you.

  5. M’membe thinks he is more intelligent than HH and yet HH is many times more intelligent than him. You friend is talking of better alternatives like irrigation and mechanized farming him is still talking of the bygones, talking about maize of 2020/21 season this time, think future comrade stop thinking backward, Dununa reverse is long gone. This time ifintu ni forward. Iwe you want to eat while your friends are starving, how selfish can you be? Even in Egypt where there a seven year famine, they sold food to other nations and people survived but you, you want to eat alone. There is no food which can last forever, doesn’t matter how much you try to preserve it, it will still finish. Zambia is known for its generosity, when Malawi was in need, Sata gave them fuel and president Joyce Banda and her people were very thankful. When the same Malawi and Mozambique were hit by the cyclone, Zambia share the same maize you are talking about with the sister countries and appreciated HH very much. That’s how good neighborliness is. You will be the only selfish president in the region if at all you will ever be one. So learn to share with others, even the little you have, God blesses the hand that gives. Have you not read about the Prophet Elijah and the widow? We always rely on God and we know that we shall survive this challenge.

  6. Aikona man, I have said many times that Mmembe is not normal. He thinks being an opposition leader offering checks and balances is reproducing those long editorials he used to write and publish in his now defunct Post Newspaper. When you read his long articles, you will only find malicious and insulting attacks, but no alternatives. Offering checks and balances is pointing out the wrong and suggesting the good alternative.
    In this present article, he has only exposed himself as a selfish and sadistic individual who will sit on his verandah gloating at the suffering of his neighbours.

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