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Hichilema has, so far, lamentably failed…We are going nowhere serious with Hichilema at the helm of Zambia- Sishuwa Sishuwa

Dr SISHUWA Sishuwa

Dr Sishuwa Sishuwa writes on Twitter:

Hakainde Hichilema stood in the queue to becoming President of Zambia for 15 years before voters finally removed him from it in August 2021. This demonstrates how badly the man wanted this job. But it has taken him only two years in office to display his unfitness for the role. When it comes to the bigger national issues, such as safeguarding our cherished democracy, getting the best out of Zambia’s mineral wealth, respecting the constitution and the rule of law, fighting corruption beyond rhetoric, genuine promotion of national unity and equitable distribution of appointments to public service positions, sorting out the cost-of-living crisis and the deplorable conditions of life for most Zambians, Hichilema has, so far, lamentably failed.

And if Zambians were to see the contents of the just signed Shareholder Agreement with Vedanta Resources Limited for the takeover of Konkola Copper Mines, many will be so livid that they will likely demand his immediate resignation for working against the interests of the Republic. I have seen, read, and understood the Agreement, and I challenge the Government to publish it in full in the name of transparency and accountability if they have nothing to hide. I am aware that Hichilema discarded the terms and conditions prepared by patriotic and very capable technocrats in the civil service and exerted pressure on the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines-Investment Holdings (ZCCM-IH) to wholly accept the ones produced by Vedanta Resources. The concessions given to Vedanta – let us just say the concessions Vedanta has effectively given itself and which Hichilema agreed to without even subjecting the Shareholder Agreement to discussion in Cabinet – are so dreadful and anti-Zambia that any citizen who signs that terrible agreement must ordinarily be charged with SABOTAGE or TREASON. The contents of the Agreement with Vedanta constitute the ultimate betrayal of public trust and the interests of the State.

Argh! We are going nowhere serious with Hichilema at the helm of Zambia, unless he changes course, for the better. He has become a clear and present danger to Zambia’s economy, to our democracy, our constitutional order, our nationhood and its future, to the lives of ordinary Zambians, and must be peacefully removed from office at the earliest available opportunity. What consoles me is the knowledge that as of today, many people in Zambia may not know who they will vote for in the next election, but they already know who they will not vote for.

The best thing about electing Hichilema president was that we are no longer distracted by his threat or potential to be better than those who came before him and we can now start looking for suitable, if better, alternatives. If Hichilema did not become President of Zambia, we would have lived with some degree of guilty for not giving him the chance to govern. We could have also succumbed to certain narratives that suggest that some regions of Zambia can provide better leaders than others. To some extent, it is not regrettable that the man got the opportunity to lead. Now we know that in order to develop, Zambia does not need a given region or an individual from a particular ethnic group in State House. The country simply needs competent men and women who are patriots, have a feasible plan, and are committed to restoring the nation’s dignity, where they come from notwithstanding.

In a certain weird and perverted sense, it is good that Zambians gave Hichilema a chance to reveal who he truly is. The Chewa-speaking people of Zambia have a saying that “The best way of proving the potency of a man who claims that he is able to achieve an erection is for the woman to undress for him.” In August 2021, Zambians undressed for Hichilema after a decade-and-half of claiming that he is capable of taking them to greater heights!



  1. It is actually painful to acknowledge that lazy corrupt ECL actually did a lot more for the country than conman dictator Hakainde. But that is the unpleasant truth.

    Hakainde will be remembered as a true champion of LGBT rights. That has been his finest hour.

    • Indigo Tryol you always talk sh*t against HH. We know that you expected a reward from HH government unfortunately HH saw irresponsibility and inadequacies in your personal character. No matter what you say against HH you bitter idiots it will not work. Continue gnashing your teeth in bitterness and anguish you disgruntled idiot. We are ready for you Mambala iwe.

  2. Critics of HH deliberately leave the huge kaloba PeeEfu left out of the narrative. The people of Zambia understand this only too well and can not side with your biased and gnarled view of the situation.

    Dokota Shuwa Shuwa, you and fellow demonisers like Indigo fimo fimo can cry, you can gnash yowa teeth, you can pull your hair out, HH is the duly elected president of Zambia. He still has a good 3 years plus the additional 5 years that we will add to his CV.

    Fimba upoke.

    • His CV will only be good in Panama.

      You and your fellow praise singers need to realise that the critics of Hakainde are mostly the ones that voted for him.

      Do you really think Sishuwa or Sangwa or Laura or IndigoTyrol voted for PF?

      Muletontonkanyako sometimes.

      • Indigo Tryol if his CV is in Panama then that’s better than you bitter idiot without CV at all. We know that you and Sishuwa Sishuwa expected appointments under New Dawn government unfortunately the appointing authority saw your immaturity and inadequacy in your persona imwe ba losing idiot. Continue gnashing your teeth in bitterness and anguish ba idiot imwe.

  3. Witchdoctor SHUSHU whatever you are called.
    I never saw your name on the ballot paper. Obviously you are a big nincompoomp village idiot
    Give alternative solutions

  4. In your head he has failed. Problem you don’t even know what reverse or forward means. You are a very bad example to the intellectuals .

  5. As usual Dr. Sishuwa, your analysis is quite poor, it lacks objectivity and if people are not getting a good deal from your analysis, it is better to do their own. For example, in all your articles, you just focus on failures and completely say nothing on achievements and that makes you a bad critic of HH. Even in debates, a good debate should have those for and those against, otherwise if the debate has only those against, then it is useless and it’s not worth its name. The other point is that HH had six presidents before him namely Kaunda, 27 years, Chiluba, 10 years, Mwanawasa, 7 years, RB, 3 years, Sata, 3 years and Lungu, 7 years, then HH has only done 2 years. Don’t you think it is fair to deem someone a failure in 2 years or less because none of his predecessors was classified as a failure before or within 2 years of his rule. It has never happened to any of the past six presidents, we are only seeing it to the seventh one who is HH. Just try to think about it, you are not being honest to yourself and to us who voted for HH. You mean HH has not achieved anything since he came to power? Olo ni jealous, we don’t do that. One of the people gifted with knowledge and wisdom Hon Sunday Chanda publicly acknowledged some of the HH’s numerous achievements in all the constituencies of this country. I still maintain that starving as a free man is far much better than feasting as a slave. Under PF, it was hell on earth but we thank God that we are now free, we are much better and safe under HH than any of you guys.

    You are even saying that HH has become a danger to Zambia’s economy, to our democracy, our constitutional order, our nationhood and its future, to the lives of ordinary Zambians, and must be peacefully removed from office at the earliest available opportunity. What a distortion of facts? HH to be a danger to Zambia when he has tirelessly mopped almost all the poop PF left behind. Are you out of your mind? Anyway, man is a difficult creature who always murmurs at any slightest challenge, instead of trusting in God and continue matching forward to the promised land, he wants to go back to Egypt. That is the nature of man, he complains more and appreciates less.

  6. And Sishuwa lectures at UNZA!. Imagine what a clever dribbler like Kambwili would do with ka ZK100,000 to people like him at the knowledge warehouse of the nation. If PHD graduates would make such biased statements…eish. they can even be recruited with a few kwacha by a dimwit like our politicians to canvass for plot one…shame.

  7. Shuwa2 like a loyal side chick you can’t help but to campaigning for your fuledi. But from your ranting, it seems fuledi talefikapo amd thus your stupid barking!

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