Hichilema must send a “worthy envoy” to Zimbabwe to mend our diplomatic relations- Harry Kalaba


Dear Fellow Citizens,

I watched the video of President Mnangwagwa and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s bilateral meeting with great concern that seemingly points to strained diplomatic ties with our sister republic, Zimbabwe.

Our once strong and harmonious relationship is now under strain, and our nation has regrettably become a laughing stock. Neighboring countries are using our lopsided foreign policy as an example to advance their own interests and win favors, leaving us further isolated.

The deep and intertwined historic relationships between Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi are foundational to our regional stability and collective progress. As three federation countries, our bonds have been forged through shared struggles and triumphs. It is disheartening to see these ties weakened due to poor diplomatic strategies.

In light of this, I urge President Hakainde Hichilema to take immediate and decisive action. It is imperative to send a “worthy envoy” to Zimbabwe to mend our diplomatic relations, rather than planting “spies” in WhatsApp groups. We need genuine efforts to rebuild trust and cooperation, reflecting our shared history and mutual interests.

Let us strive to restore our nation’s dignity and strengthen our bonds with Zimbabwe and Malawi, ensuring a prosperous and united future for all.

Harry Kalaba
Citizens First


  1. Don t you think it is Munangangwa who should be sending envoys to HH. Who offended who. Zambia is a sovereign state we are not an extension of Zambia. To think Kalaba was once minister of foreign affairs.

  2. Don t you think it is Munangangwa who should be sending envoys to HH. Who offended who. Zambia is a sovereign state we are not an extension of Zambia. To think Kalaba was once minister of foreign affairs.

  3. First, he has caused divisions within his own borders.

    Now, he wants to export this divisions in neighbouring countries.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  4. First, he has caused divisions within his own borders.

    Now, he wants to export this divisions in neighbouring countries.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  5. Zimbabweans are responsible of their own in country challenges which granted they want spill to their neighbors. Zim, Zam and Malawi are sovereign countries who must be allowed to pursue own agendas. The fact that they share the same historical background and challenges does not mean they continue to arm twist each other due to their foreign policy and who they would like to have as their friend/s. I personally don’t think there is anything really admirable about Zim. It’s a near failed project, from an economically very strong country. So leave them to chose where they want to get help from just as Zambia must do the same. However, Zim must be careful not to be talking about neighbors due to their own failures. Even where they are seen trying to create relationships are questionable nations. Nothing to admire, except politics of isolationism. Believing if you are east or socialism, always it should and must be regardless a d always taking the west and whoever is close to yhe west to be bad. Very outdated kind of politics. Same as our situation, blind support, always if you’re opposition or ruling, supporting at all costs even when some things are worth not supporting.

  6. Zimbabweans are responsible of their own in country challenges which granted they want spill to their neighbors. Zim, Zam and Malawi are sovereign countries who must be allowed to pursue own agendas. The fact that they share the same historical background and challenges does not mean they continue to arm twist each other due to their foreign policy and who they would like to have as their friend/s. I personally don’t think there is anything really admirable about Zim. It’s a near failed project, from an economically very strong country. So leave them to chose where they want to get help from just as Zambia must do the same. However, Zim must be careful not to be talking about neighbors due to their own failures. Even where they are seen trying to create relationships are questionable nations. Nothing to admire, except politics of isolationism. Believing if you are east or socialism, always it should and must be regardless a d always taking the west and whoever is close to yhe west to be bad. Very outdated kind of politics. Same as our situation, blind support, always if you’re opposition or ruling, supporting at all costs even when some things are worth not supporting.

  7. Zambia’s Divisive Foreign policy is not just a concern for Zimbabwe…It’s wide spread in SADC. Except DRC which any way is DRC, Zaire, Congo whatever , many countries in the sub region are apprehensive about Hakainde’s foreign policy… While Zimbabwe is open about it, others are silently observing with dismay..but our man is hook and sink in America and the west, and getting out will be costly for him.. They have given him a blank check to oppress his own people.Immediately he starts disengaging from them , the rampant abuses he is commiting against the people and our Institutions, the shrinking democratic space will become visible ,and the squeeze will begin…
    A case of political immaturity or just naivety
    for Hakainde…or the I know it all attitude taking him into troubled waters never before seen in Zambia.

  8. Zambia’s Divisive Foreign policy is not just a concern for Zimbabwe…It’s wide spread in SADC. Except DRC which any way is DRC, Zaire, Congo whatever , many countries in the sub region are apprehensive about Hakainde’s foreign policy… While Zimbabwe is open about it, others are silently observing with dismay..but our man is hook and sink in America and the west, and getting out will be costly for him.. They have given him a blank check to oppress his own people.Immediately he starts disengaging from them , the rampant abuses he is commiting against the people and our Institutions, the shrinking democratic space will become visible ,and the squeeze will begin…
    A case of political immaturity or just naivety
    for Hakainde…or the I know it all attitude taking him into troubled waters never before seen in Zambia.

  9. ED is the one at fault here!
    We don’t owe ED any apologies! Don’t we have freedom as a country to choose whom we associate with?
    So ED wants his enemies to be our enemies?
    If he has issues with Zambia, he should have engaged Zambia diplomatically!
    Truth be told.
    He is fighting for political survival!
    The men and women in Uniform who ushered him into power are not happy with him.
    In fact, Russia is also not happy with him.
    That is the reason Russia leaked the recordings to expose him!
    Very unfortunate and childish for this to come from ED!
    We hope the citizens of the Two Rhodesian territories will be wise enough not to be drawn into the paranoia of some of their paranoid leaders!
    Who knows, our snakes could be the ones hatching all these dirty schemes!
    We must refuse to be drawn into trivialities that don’t put food on our tables!

  10. ED is the one at fault here!
    We don’t owe ED any apologies! Don’t we have freedom as a country to choose whom we associate with?
    So ED wants his enemies to be our enemies?
    If he has issues with Zambia, he should have engaged Zambia diplomatically!
    Truth be told.
    He is fighting for political survival!
    The men and women in Uniform who ushered him into power are not happy with him.
    In fact, Russia is also not happy with him.
    That is the reason Russia leaked the recordings to expose him!
    Very unfortunate and childish for this to come from ED!
    We hope the citizens of the Two Rhodesian territories will be wise enough not to be drawn into the paranoia of some of their paranoid leaders!
    Who knows, our snakes could be the ones hatching all these dirty schemes!
    We must refuse to be drawn into trivialities that don’t put food on our tables!

  11. Ba Kalaba, Zambia a laughing stock? You must be joking.

    Munangagwa is desparately trying to divert attention from his internal woes. Why is it that of all our eight or so neighbours he is the only one who feels threatened? The real enemy is within. Mugabe was not gotten rid of by Zambia or America. It was Munangagwa himself who kicked Mugabe. In the same way, if he hangs on to power by habitually rigging elections, the people of Zimbabwe will show him the exit door one way or the other.

    It is shameful that a leader can be so desparate that he is offering his country to the Russians in exchange for food! The Zambian “threat” is just a ruse to get Russia to feed his people.

  12. Ba Kalaba, Zambia a laughing stock? You must be joking.

    Munangagwa is desparately trying to divert attention from his internal woes. Why is it that of all our eight or so neighbours he is the only one who feels threatened? The real enemy is within. Mugabe was not gotten rid of by Zambia or America. It was Munangagwa himself who kicked Mugabe. In the same way, if he hangs on to power by habitually rigging elections, the people of Zimbabwe will show him the exit door one way or the other.

    It is shameful that a leader can be so desparate that he is offering his country to the Russians in exchange for food! The Zambian “threat” is just a ruse to get Russia to feed his people.

  13. Nevers Mumba embodies HH s naivety with regard to how you conduct foreign relations. You wish to disparage the Zimbabwe elections, on the one hand, while embracing DRC elections, on the other. What hardstick was used to declare the DRC elections free and fair? So here you have an overzealous Nevers Mumba creating a never seen b4 diplomatic storm in Zimbabwe and in the same breath congratulating his called friend Tshisekedi on his sham re-election. Is it any wonder, therefore, that this man was fired by Levy? He lacks any modicum of decency as long as it favors his pocket. So lets keep him out of any foreign relations, pay if you must, but keep him on short leash.

  14. Nevers Mumba embodies HH s naivety with regard to how you conduct foreign relations. You wish to disparage the Zimbabwe elections, on the one hand, while embracing DRC elections, on the other. What hardstick was used to declare the DRC elections free and fair? So here you have an overzealous Nevers Mumba creating a never seen b4 diplomatic storm in Zimbabwe and in the same breath congratulating his called friend Tshisekedi on his sham re-election. Is it any wonder, therefore, that this man was fired by Levy? He lacks any modicum of decency as long as it favors his pocket. So lets keep him out of any foreign relations, pay if you must, but keep him on short leash.

  15. So all of you ukwa members today decided we will now make statements about our relationship with zimbabwe in the hope that we agitate the Zimbabweans into hating HH. Sorry try another trick.

  16. So all of you ukwa members today decided we will now make statements about our relationship with zimbabwe in the hope that we agitate the Zimbabweans into hating HH. Sorry try another trick.


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