Politics of Sole candidates are undemocratic and represent politics of the one party era.
The announcement by the UPND that Mr Hakainde will be a sole candidate for the 2026 elections is a tragic betrayal of the members of both the UPND party and members of the UPND Alliance partners.
Mr Hichilema’s candidature will be outrightly rejected by Zambians as it had happened in the past when he lost fives times as a result of going on his own.
The UPND should get real and analyze the situation in the Country and ultimately make a substitution of Mr Hichilema as he stands rejected by the majority progressive citizens.
No one believes that Mr Hichilema stands any chance of winning the 2026 elections. He will certainly miserably lose the elections.
He stands no chance in a million years to win the 2026 general elections.
The dynamics have shifted in favor of regime change.
The chronic shortages of drugs in our hospitals and the skyrocketing prices of essential commodities and poor governance styles makes him unsuitable to put himself forward for office of President.
Clearly, he has failed to deliver deliverables to our people.
Certainly he has lost the argument for seeking a second term of office.
We counsel Mr Hichilema to read his tea leaves carefully in his tea cup before staging his bid for a second term of office.
In a nutshell he stands no chance in a million years of winning the 2026 elections .
Nasson Msoni
All peoples Congress (APC)
Hichilema does have a chance, but it is 50/50, his main opposition is from within the UPND among people who feel left out, the other problem is going to come from people who feel not listened to from within, once people begin to step out of UPND that will create a big problem. Then we have the high cost of living, this too will create protest votes which may lead to losing a lot of numbers. These few factors mentioned above may sound small, but their effects will prove humongous if not well managed between now and next year. If people start to defect from a ruling party, it spells doom and already signals are there that frustration may lead people to move out. In my view HH governance has scored 50% because of huge promises, if they had reduced their promises by 50%, they would be at 100%, unfortunately it is the propensity to promise that makes them loose the mark because of over promising / overtalking.
I would give him only 10%.
Hichilema does have a chance, but it is 50/50, his main opposition is from within the UPND among people who feel left out, the other problem is going to come from people who feel not listened to from within, once people begin to step out of UPND that will create a big problem. Then we have the high cost of living, this too will create protest votes which may lead to losing a lot of numbers. These few factors mentioned above may sound small, but their effects will prove humongous if not well managed between now and next year. If people start to defect from a ruling party, it spells doom and already signals are there that frustration may lead people to move out. In my view HH governance has scored 50% because of huge promises, if they had reduced their promises by 50%, they would be at 100%, unfortunately it is the propensity to promise that makes them loose the mark because of over promising / overtalking.
I would give him only 10%.
Mr Msoni, what is obtaining in your article is not factual. Please look at the numbers of people following your party and confirm if what you are saying is a product of the majority Zambians. It is or maybe unwise to create wisdom in your self when reality requires approval by on lookers. Can you carry the day yourself and substitute HH??
Mr Msoni, what is obtaining in your article is not factual. Please look at the numbers of people following your party and confirm if what you are saying is a product of the majority Zambians. It is or maybe unwise to create wisdom in your self when reality requires approval by on lookers. Can you carry the day yourself and substitute HH??
Is this old man out of his mind? He thinks everyone is as confused as he is. Actually Hichilema will not even need to sweat this time because he has already campaigned through his many projects countrywide. People should stop misusing the word failure, it does not apply to HH.
Is this old man out of his mind? He thinks everyone is as confused as he is. Actually Hichilema will not even need to sweat this time because he has already campaigned through his many projects countrywide. People should stop misusing the word failure, it does not apply to HH.
This man has a weird sense of humor. He can’t distinguish between reality and dreams .
This man has a weird sense of humor. He can’t distinguish between reality and dreams .
Politics is politics and what people need is what they see being done by their government and also themselves without any interruptions but freely and using intellectual minds.
Now let’s check ourselves and see what people – not all but some and others like, don’t like, need, and don’t need then we make Comparisons;
1. For example some need to be in a violent environment and embraces it because that is where they found their living. Verses. Now, in the same vain there are also others who don’t like to live in a violent environment. So on this one if you compare, you will come up with an estimate of how the two sides will fare in terms of numbers then you will pick and tick your choice.
2. People who would like to be employed in formal set-ups and if they see that employment is being created and many citizens are being employed and wages and salaries are being adjusted upwards ( verses) while the other side, there is employment and wage freeze then people who are looking for employment will weigh the two led sides and make a decision on where to go. Here you can roughly estimate the numbers too and pick your choice.
3. In a war or war like environment Country where people are daily harrassed, insulted, threatened, beaten, maimed and killed by cadres of certain political parties while the law enforcement officers are made to be useless ( verses ) and the environment where there’s peace people are free to move and decide on what to do without being harrassed while the law enforcement officers are left to do their work professionally. You can check and analyse the two and arrive at a decision. Again you can, in an imaginary way assume how the numbers will be from the two sides.
4. You can also try to compare how development is being spread in our country even using CDF which is being disbursement at once to all our constituencies without any segregation and decisions decided by local people on what they want to be done compared to the one where it was done selectively and, while other regions could hardly get it on time. Again try to counter check and see where the majority will be.
5. Free education where many vulnerable families have been given some relief of not paying for school fees and the environment where parents are made to pay for their children’s school and boarding fees failure to which their children will be chased from school. Again people have the choice between the two, on the numbers you can still exadurate and conclude it will show where the majority will be.
6. One who give meal allowance to university students and increase on bursaries and loans numbers verses the one who removed the meal allowance, reduced on bursaries and loans and also introduced the loans and increased on introduction, the percentage for repayment from 0% to 15%. The decision will again remain with voters in 2026 especially University students .
7. The one who is preaching peace and unity and denouncing tribalism and hate speech verses the ones who encourages tribalism, regionalism, violence and hate speech. The decision remains with people and not an individual when the D-day comes.
8. The ones who does things following the established pieces of law like the issue of KCM, MOPANI mine, Kasenseli etc. verses the one who grabs things by force and ending up in courts while making people to starve.
9. The one who store from the councils the money in form of revenue by telling his cadres to collect country wide revenue from markets and bus stops and pocket the the would be the national income to the treasury instead of the councils verses the one who have normalised the situation by allowing councils to collect the revenue from the public places which is the Markert and bus stops. Again it’s your choice to chose from the two angles and systematically add the numbers and see from afar where the numbers will be more .
10. The one who carelessly borrowed and failed to pay even failing to pay what belongs to the owners, failed to negotiate the extended payment ( Debt restructuring) period verses the one who has managed to negotiate the extended payment period and started paying in a respective way and manner. The choice is with you.
Now, coming to the general issues that are of great concern,
1. The coat of living. Yes the cost of living is quite high in Zambia and government need to work extra hard to resolve this issue.
2. High cost of fuel and electricity. Yes this is also bitting which can at times even erase the gains and confidence that the majority Zambians’ have in their elected leaders.
These are genuine questions which I am very sure this government is not just sitting down to see the situation worsen but I am sure something is and will be done unless otherwise. I foresee the change in the resolving of the above issues especially with the settling of the MOPANI MINE, KCM, coming on board Shaft 28 and the new mines being opened plus the other three giants, Kalumbila, Kansanshi and Lumwana, we anticipate a major change in the economic field altogether.
Now on the same issue of especially energy and food security. I think, sorry to use this word just for luck of a better one which has gone very far, to a normal thinking person who knows that the drought is not ones making can not even condemn others but just pray to the Almighty God the owner of everything and thank Him for everything because He is the only one with power and authority to change seasons and times but not a human being. So the drought has come and the drought will go but in all this God is teaching and telling us something. It will be well in Christ JESUS’S name.
Otherwise good things have been made by this UPND government even in the midst of many challenges which were created and left by PF.
So ba Nasson Msoni your friends are working, you should also work extra hard to march them. Otherwise 2026 is there for them again
It’s true HH is UPND president for “umuyaya”.Be tolerant of criticism ba saa !!. Mrs Nalumango should be given a chance in 2026 to shame us all !!!
Irony for is a senile Oldman that appointed himself president of a party without members attempting to tell one with over a million members what democracy should be in that party. Then you’ve the party of foolish pfidiots that feel they’ve any moral anything to tell others to give chance to their VP, niya how.
Monze Sec school 1st Alumnus m*tuvi yamunthu sir. Go and form your own political club and appoint yourself to be Party President. Too much bitterness and nonsense in your submission sir. Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals for good
Well analysed Mankambiz. The only massage from the opposition is just high cost of living. What if the tables turn and we experience low cost of living what are they going to tell the masses?
Politics is politics and what people need is what they see being done by their government and also themselves without any interruptions but freely and using intellectual minds.
Now let’s check ourselves and see what people – not all but some and others like, don’t like, need, and don’t need then we make Comparisons;
1. For example some need to be in a violent environment and embraces it because that is where they found their living. Verses. Now, in the same vain there are also others who don’t like to live in a violent environment. So on this one if you compare, you will come up with an estimate of how the two sides will fare in terms of numbers then you will pick and tick your choice.
2. People who would like to be employed in formal set-ups and if they see that employment is being created and many citizens are being employed and wages and salaries are being adjusted upwards ( verses) while the other side, there is employment and wage freeze then people who are looking for employment will weigh the two led sides and make a decision on where to go. Here you can roughly estimate the numbers too and pick your choice.
3. In a war or war like environment Country where people are daily harrassed, insulted, threatened, beaten, maimed and killed by cadres of certain political parties while the law enforcement officers are made to be useless ( verses ) and the environment where there’s peace people are free to move and decide on what to do without being harrassed while the law enforcement officers are left to do their work professionally. You can check and analyse the two and arrive at a decision. Again you can, in an imaginary way assume how the numbers will be from the two sides.
4. You can also try to compare how development is being spread in our country even using CDF which is being disbursement at once to all our constituencies without any segregation and decisions decided by local people on what they want to be done compared to the one where it was done selectively and, while other regions could hardly get it on time. Again try to counter check and see where the majority will be.
5. Free education where many vulnerable families have been given some relief of not paying for school fees and the environment where parents are made to pay for their children’s school and boarding fees failure to which their children will be chased from school. Again people have the choice between the two, on the numbers you can still exadurate and conclude it will show where the majority will be.
6. One who give meal allowance to university students and increase on bursaries and loans numbers verses the one who removed the meal allowance, reduced on bursaries and loans and also introduced the loans and increased on introduction, the percentage for repayment from 0% to 15%. The decision will again remain with voters in 2026 especially University students .
7. The one who is preaching peace and unity and denouncing tribalism and hate speech verses the ones who encourages tribalism, regionalism, violence and hate speech. The decision remains with people and not an individual when the D-day comes.
8. The ones who does things following the established pieces of law like the issue of KCM, MOPANI mine, Kasenseli etc. verses the one who grabs things by force and ending up in courts while making people to starve.
9. The one who store from the councils the money in form of revenue by telling his cadres to collect country wide revenue from markets and bus stops and pocket the the would be the national income to the treasury instead of the councils verses the one who have normalised the situation by allowing councils to collect the revenue from the public places which is the Markert and bus stops. Again it’s your choice to chose from the two angles and systematically add the numbers and see from afar where the numbers will be more .
10. The one who carelessly borrowed and failed to pay even failing to pay what belongs to the owners, failed to negotiate the extended payment ( Debt restructuring) period verses the one who has managed to negotiate the extended payment period and started paying in a respective way and manner. The choice is with you.
Now, coming to the general issues that are of great concern,
1. The coat of living. Yes the cost of living is quite high in Zambia and government need to work extra hard to resolve this issue.
2. High cost of fuel and electricity. Yes this is also bitting which can at times even erase the gains and confidence that the majority Zambians’ have in their elected leaders.
These are genuine questions which I am very sure this government is not just sitting down to see the situation worsen but I am sure something is and will be done unless otherwise. I foresee the change in the resolving of the above issues especially with the settling of the MOPANI MINE, KCM, coming on board Shaft 28 and the new mines being opened plus the other three giants, Kalumbila, Kansanshi and Lumwana, we anticipate a major change in the economic field altogether.
Now on the same issue of especially energy and food security. I think, sorry to use this word just for luck of a better one which has gone very far, to a normal thinking person who knows that the drought is not ones making can not even condemn others but just pray to the Almighty God the owner of everything and thank Him for everything because He is the only one with power and authority to change seasons and times but not a human being. So the drought has come and the drought will go but in all this God is teaching and telling us something. It will be well in Christ JESUS’S name.
Otherwise good things have been made by this UPND government even in the midst of many challenges which were created and left by PF.
So ba Nasson Msoni your friends are working, you should also work extra hard to march them. Otherwise 2026 is there for them again
It’s true HH is UPND president for “umuyaya”.Be tolerant of criticism ba saa !!. Mrs Nalumango should be given a chance in 2026 to shame us all !!!
Irony for is a senile Oldman that appointed himself president of a party without members attempting to tell one with over a million members what democracy should be in that party. Then you’ve the party of foolish pfidiots that feel they’ve any moral anything to tell others to give chance to their VP, niya how.
Monze Sec school 1st Alumnus m*tuvi yamunthu sir. Go and form your own political club and appoint yourself to be Party President. Too much bitterness and nonsense in your submission sir. Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals for good
Well analysed Mankambiz. The only massage from the opposition is just high cost of living. What if the tables turn and we experience low cost of living what are they going to tell the masses?
Some people take politics as a way of deceiving people so that they can vote for them. Their main interest is selfishness. By meaning politics are an exposure of ways or ideas for best governance of an environment. The meaning should therefore, not be abused. Most of the people posing to be politicians are liers and this means that we must be very careful as beneficiaries. Mr Msoni, our eyes and minds are open HH so far is better than most political advocates. The failures you associate him with are natural calamities like drought which has affected maize and electric production. This is where the songs of difficult life originate from. The singers are far below the ability to solve such…
Some people take politics as a way of deceiving people so that they can vote for them. Their main interest is selfishness. By meaning politics are an exposure of ways or ideas for best governance of an environment. The meaning should therefore, not be abused. Most of the people posing to be politicians are liers and this means that we must be very careful as beneficiaries. Mr Msoni, our eyes and minds are open HH so far is better than most political advocates. The failures you associate him with are natural calamities like drought which has affected maize and electric production. This is where the songs of difficult life originate from. The singers are far below the ability to solve such…
The ramblings of someone with Alzeimers. These are museum fossils.
The ramblings of someone with Alzeimers. These are museum fossils.
Which people’s Congress Mr Msoni? And which people are saying they will not vote for HH?
You see, it is people like you who, if not personally reaping from the treasury, that feel he has failed you. The thing is HH is not a “Ka Something” person and that has hurt a lot of people of your caliber.
HH wants ordinary Zambians to benefit from the national cake and not a few that feel more entitled than all other Zambians.
For the information of the APC ( Nashala neka party President, your decision is not our (Zambians’) decision and please stop sending that wrong message.
HH has done comparatively well and Zambians do agree that what is happening now was a result of massive plundering by the PF now trying to change the name to UKA.
FUNNY, whether you change suites or hairstyles, we still recognize you as the people that tormented Zambians and as far as I know, no one will ever desire to go back to where they were once tormented unless they don’t care what happens to them ultimately.
As far as we see, the ‘hyenas’ looming in the shadows can never be trusted with any ‘flock of animals’ no matter how malnourished.
Which people’s Congress Mr Msoni? And which people are saying they will not vote for HH?
You see, it is people like you who, if not personally reaping from the treasury, that feel he has failed you. The thing is HH is not a “Ka Something” person and that has hurt a lot of people of your caliber.
HH wants ordinary Zambians to benefit from the national cake and not a few that feel more entitled than all other Zambians.
For the information of the APC ( Nashala neka party President, your decision is not our (Zambians’) decision and please stop sending that wrong message.
HH has done comparatively well and Zambians do agree that what is happening now was a result of massive plundering by the PF now trying to change the name to UKA.
FUNNY, whether you change suites or hairstyles, we still recognize you as the people that tormented Zambians and as far as I know, no one will ever desire to go back to where they were once tormented unless they don’t care what happens to them ultimately.
As far as we see, the ‘hyenas’ looming in the shadows can never be trusted with any ‘flock of animals’ no matter how malnourished.
Zambia stands no chance next month if zesco shuts down and cannot import because of vandalized equipment. should that be the conversation?
Zambia stands no chance next month if zesco shuts down and cannot import because of vandalized equipment. should that be the conversation?
Zambian by blood, yes if this could be the truth then it can have a good way of correcting the situation. The conversation must bear truth so that amicable solutions are sought to improve for the better.
Zambian by blood, yes if this could be the truth then it can have a good way of correcting the situation. The conversation must bear truth so that amicable solutions are sought to improve for the better.