Top five things they concentrated on:
1. HH
2. Bill 10
3. Spending chinese loans
4. Gassing and sabotage
5. Bye-elections

Top five things they did not take advantage of
1. High copper prices
2. Low oil prices
3. High agro-demand from Angola and DRC
4. Strong inherited economy
5. Solar energy
Top five things they neglected

1. National debt
2. Inflation
3. Kwacha depreciation
4. Climate change
5. National unity

Top five policy flops, any thing that does not involve kick backs they are never committed
1. Auteristy measures
2. Forex policies in SI55 and SI33
3. Sales tax
4. National Youth Policy
5. Universal health cares
Top five useless minister

1. Given Lubinda
2. Stephen Kampyongo
3. Chitalu Chilufya
4. Dora Siliya
5. Ronald Chitotela

Top five BIG lies told by PF
1. It is possible to have unprecedented development while kwacha is weak, debts are defaulted and national income is in deficit
2. We have not defaulted we have just deferred payment
3. Inflated roads, toll gates and fire tenders are sophsiticated
4. Gas attack sponsors and 48 houses owners are still unknown
5. Bill 10 would enhance development
Top five solutions to save Zambia
1. Change of administration
2. Recovery of corruption proceeds
3. Rationalization of ZESCO operations, streamlining oil procurement and clean up Ministry of Health
4. Move infrastructure spending to agriculture and rural housing for civil servants
5. Free the criminal justice system from political interference
Leadership should not give excuses but should anticipate challenges and plan for them.
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