In 2015, during a dramatic incident in Shiwang’andu, late Dr. Maureen Mwanawasa and Vice President Mutale Nalumango bravely withstood a helicopter attack orchestrated by the Patriotic Front (PF) under Edgar Lungu’s instructions.
Thugs attempted to petrol bomb the helicopter with Molotov cocktails, forcing it to abort its initial landing. The aircraft diverted to a nearby village, where Mrs. Mwanawasa and Mrs. Nalumango had to navigate through the bush to reach the new landing point. The terrorist attack was being carried out by area MP Steven Kampyongo’s younger brother and a hoarde of PF thugs.
Ironically, the PF is now lamenting that their “thug President” was not invited to the funeral and burial of the late First Lady yesterday. Their lack of shame is astounding.
Hate speech should enshrine this kind of bad media painting of others too.You don’t talk about those who did bad to a late person.This incites those who have lost their beloved family member to hate the purported wrong doers.Time of morning is talking about what kind of person we lost was and comforting the believed…for instance.It is a reconciliation time…sharing love n respect for each other.This is what I believe in.
I agree with you too.
This article is in bad taste.
It’s in bad mumusula obe
How can Defunct TuPF criminals know about bad taste today?
Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31
Iwee chikala chobe
They have to be called out as they are, thugs, no need to sugarcoat the reality.
To you it’s hate speech yet those people committed a crime. Evil is evil and must be repeatedly denounced with no hesitation unless you were an accomplice to that barbaric act
I totally disagree with this mindset. This is what makes pipo do things continuously because they think with time they will just go into the drain. Let’s continue to talk about evil, past present and future so that pipo begin to be careful about their undertakings. No need to sugar coat things just because it’s a funeral or there is a death, no. Let’s call a spade a spade, not anything else.
Kubeja Badala, I agree with you just like the current thugs in government.
Kanyembe Willie and indigo Tyrol if you don’t have anything to say better you keep quiet, the issue of violence needs to be condemned no wonder we are still condemning adada idi amini therefore I don’t see the reason of not condemning PF criminals