How Tables Turn

Emmanuel Mwamba

How Tables Turn

Thought for the day

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

This post has been inspired by an earlier post by former Attorney General Musa Mwenye SC.

That former critics and human rights advocates against government are now today’s sycophants.

That those that condemned corruption are now engaged in it and those that were previously in it are exposing it.

That critics of misrule and bad governance are now praise singers looking away on all mistakes, misrule and bad governance.

And those that were quiet then, are now fierce critics.

Victims that were objects of harassment are now perpetrators.

Perpetrators of harassment are now victims of it.

And in all these, those that were quiet are now loud, and those that were loud are quiet!

Did Zambians choose to change a cycle of misdeed players or Zambians chose change?


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