I suffered injuries including the loss of my upper right tooth- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Torture, Police Brutality

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba Wrote;

I have sued, in their personal capacity, Zambia Police Officers; Steven Simweenda, Brian Chipango and Joseph Kapasa, police officers from the Criminal Investigations Department at Zambia Police Service Headquarters.

This matter is before the Lusaka High Court.

Earlier I also took the 3 police officers to the Police Public Complaint Commission (PPCC) and the Human Rights Commission.

Both entities have refused to hear the matter. The HRC says my letter of complaint and medical records submitted were a “copy” of a letter written to the PPCC and could therefore not act!

It was on June 14th 2023 around 15:30hrs, when unidentified men, who were part of a large team of men abducted and apprehended me at a car wash located on Mosi-O-Tunya road in Woodlands.

They showed me no IDs despite my repeated pleas and they were driving unmarked vehicles.

I was brutalized and terribly manhandled a matter witnessed by other customers and workers at the car wash.

I suffered injuries including the loss of my upper right tooth.

My great pain is that to cover this brutality, inhuman treatment and crime, inflicted against me, the Police officers fabricated and generated a fraudulent charge that during the attack and my apprehension, I assaulted a detective Inspector, Simwenda Steven, an officer of the Zambia Police Service in the due execution of his duty.

It was sad to see a professional doctor clearly recruited to aid the cover-up, fail to justify the so-called assault on the police officer.

My arrest was therefore a fraud and a clear case of covering-up.

The matter they were following me over, has never been brought to court.

However I’m being prosecuted for allegedly assaulting a police officer.


(The People Vs Emmanuel Mwamba matter before Hon. Trevor Kasanda).


  1. In Zambia you even wonder how the so called human rights violations are understood, does the handling or arrest of one individual amount to human rights violations for the whole country? If you knew that you were innocent, why did you resist the arrest, you could have just cooperated and nothing could have happened to you. By the way have you told the UN Rapporteur about your documentary you did in Zimbabwe? are those you call Human Rights? Can you please start differentiating between human rights and seditious acts. You were an Ambassador, could you have tolerated if HH or Mwaliteta came to Ethiopia during the time you were in power and did what you did in Zimbabwe? definitely not. Please don’t be a hypocrite.

  2. Just imagine how many suffered during PF tenure for just having different political views. Even just putting on a certain colour qualified one to be a target. Many died, even babies been breastfeed had their legs shot by trigger happy law officers.

  3. Since the matter is in court, my unsolicited advice is that posting anything related to the matter on social media should be avoided. Let the court do its job without undue pressure or influence.

  4. Really? why is it that politicians rush to social media to lay out their claims when they can easily do that in court in a matter they are facing. Social media is not the judge in your matter because we were not there when what you say happened to you happened, gather your proof and send give it in court.

  5. You got injured in the process of resisting arrest. Mr..Mwamba thinks he above the law. Would have been injured if you complied with the Police arrest?
    You keep trying to find ways to garner attention, well that is what you get. And only have yourself to blame

  6. Yes you did. And that is because you were resisting arrest. You still thought you were the party in government.
    Are you not the chaps who wanted to break the limbs of the youths used were protesting peacefully? Or you have forgotten. Even forgetting the many ordinary citizens you killed, mimed or otherwise. Some still waiting with bullets in their bodies.
    And you are hear showing us a ka bruise.
    Grow up, man!


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