Citizens First Party (CFP) President Harry Kalaba says he is paying more attention to particularly grow his political party for which he is the candidate for the 2026 Presidential elections.
Commenting on the declaration by PF faction President Edgar Lungu that he will be the PF Presidential candidate in 2026 and backed by other UKA members, Kalaba said he doesn’t want to get involved into the PF internal issues on who their candidate will be.
“Yes we are in the UKA project together with the PF, but ultimately each political party in there has it’s own ideologies. We may have common issues against the UPND government on how they are failing to run the country, but each party may choose to present it’s own candidate in an election”, Mr Kalaba told the media.
He said his political party was not there to escort anyone as doing so would be a betrayal of his supporters.
Addressing a handful of PF Mayors and Council Chairpersons this week, former President Edgar Lungu declared that he was the sole candidate for the PF Presidential candidate in 2026 and expected others in the UKA to support him.
Kikikiki…and therein lies the future of UKA
The rise and fall of UKWA all because of one selfish man who thinks its all about him and not others. He had 7 years to do right things lol and behold he turned this country into something else. Why does he think he is the only one in zambia who can be the only leader? Everyone knows that he only wants to come and protect his loot and that of his family nothing else. Had he stepped aside and allowed PF to go for a conversion maybe the party would have survived. He doesn’t even even trust any person who may take over from the current president because he knows that he will still be followed for his loot. The man is in a quagmire. All the opposition parties know that the man can not win them an election and they cannot risk escorting him like Harry has put it. He also does not believe in democracy. Instead of allowing people to vote in UKWA he has already imposed himself the others. He resigned from PF and he was suppose to wait for 3 years before being admitted back to the party like they subjected Miles. He is so used to short cuts. We only hope the concourt will retire him the political dust bin forever.
If each party will put it’s candidate then what is
The purpose of UKA?
Uk is not a party its just a propaganda consortium