Yesterday at Mukobeko Maximum Prison in Kabwe, I listened to a very emotional and harrowing ordeal from Honourable Chitotela about how his entire family has been impacted by his incarceration.

Careful not to give away his emotions, the Pambashe law maker explained how his wife and children are now renting a house in Kabwe just to be close to him and his other 2 young brothers also at Mukobeko.

You see President Silavwe “Outside, my whole family is disturbed and this is more painful to me than anything else” as he looked down to compose himself then added, “Inside here, are my two young brothers also jailed just for political reasons.”

President Silavwe he continued, “I don’t know why we have to be brought to a Maximum Prison dumped in a common cell with very dangerous cr!minals. There’s no dignity here, I am made to strip n@ked before my two young brothers.

As the prison officer shouted, time up! I turned to Honourable Chilangwa who told me that he was doing well despite the humiliating experiences. I asked him if he was writing in prison because I know he is an ardent writer and avid reader.

My question brightened Honourable Chilangwa’s eyes as he explained to me with a smile on his face that he is still writing a lot and that when it gets dark, he has problems because his small lamp is not very good. The officer once again shouted time up!

Apart from over grown hair and beards with visible large patches of grey hair and both of them looking like Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe in appearance, the duo were in good spirits and looked physically well but the distress in the eyes was very visible.

As we left Mukobeko Maximum Prison to attend to other engagements in Kabwe, I couldn’t help but reflect on Honourable Chitotela’s simple request to me “My brother just pray for us.”

Jackson Silavwe.


  1. I still remember how our current Repiblican President. President HAKAINDE Hichilema then in opposition how he was treated, after the PF Police under Kapyongo and ECL as president by then bombanded HHs home, teagasssd him and his entire family including the workers. Most of the rooms and to be specific on the beds PF cadres defecated and urinated on the beds and rooms, how he was later arrested taken to an unknown place and later ended up in Mukobeko Maximum prison where he was seen sleeping on the floor with criminals. It was very touching. During all this very difficult moments for HHs family the Lungus and Kapyongos were very happy, celebrating and shouting on top of mountains denouncing him HH why the wife had to shift from Lusaka to Kabwe just to be near the husband who was incarcerated in MUKOBEKO MAXIMUM PRISON without trial.

    The world we live in. Whatever goes up comes down again either in good form to maintaim it’s shape or in bad form and lose it’s shape.

    Mr. Chitotela we hear you but try to reflect

  2. If you looking for an angel on this earth in form of a human being then you are wrong.
    When you dig a grave for your enemy remember to dig yours too. Someday someone will come for for you.

  3. Now Jack, who is a common criminal? I need to be educated for me to understand whether or not the convicts are rightfully there or not. You Jack, you’re a young man, educated and civilized and therefore it should be important for you to understand why law enforcers, courts and finally; jails exist. When you meet as political groupings, understand that the effects of the law includes you too. You’re no exceptions. Also bear in mind that times are changing whereby one day things catch up with you and you don’t need to seek public sympathy if/when you break the law. It should even be more shameful to be convicted together with brothers or relatives as it speaks volumes about the perception community may have about the entire family. Right now we have even honorables appearing in courts of law with either spouces, children or some relatives. This is very demeaning and surely embarrassing to say the least.
    Anyway, maybe we are made differently.

  4. He was minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development. He could have built better cells for all criminals. I think burning a car with people inside is very criminal more especially if done by a honorable MP and his younger brothers.

  5. An innocent man was imprisoned . His crime was because the sitting head of state was afraid of his popularity as an opponent. Did anyone speak up for this man who was put amongst robbers and criminals. Prison is not only for wr the common people but even for ministers priests head of state etc. The law us the law.

  6. While it’s sad, this had to happen to stop the impunity. I am sure you never thought this was ever going to happen considering what had happened to your corruption case? Just server your time and learn from it. It was also wrong to bring your young brothers along. You must have gotten emboldened by Kampyongo getting off without anything happening to him.

  7. May be Hon. Chitotela has forgotten how he celebrated the incarceration of HH, Chitotela, Kampyongo or both of them composed a mockery song, they sang together in front of people not knowing that tomorrow they will find themselves in the same place. There are many ways in which God punishes us for our sins especially where we don’t even ask him to forgive us. It’s God who is punishing them for sinning against their brother HH. We are all God’s children and we are brothers and sisters whether biological or not, hence it’s sin to celebrate your brother’s illness, arrest or death. We shall be praying for them but let them also repent and apologize for that song. We are sorry that the prisons have bedrooms.

  8. U are not even ashamed to complain. After stealing so much from us real Zambians. Why should they shift to Kabwe is it that too much stolen money is overflowing your accounts? Mukobeko please keep this man in till he crawls remember how u caged the barotse activists Leo chili panu babba. U know the words shipikisha club ndiyeiwo . Makaka


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