ECONOMIC Front president, Wynter Kabimba has denied assertions that he has entered into an alliance with the ruling UPND Alliance in order to secure himself a job in government.

Mr. Kabimba was commenting on the backlash he has suffered after announcing his intention to join and work with the UPND by some political opponents who have charged that the EF leader decided to join the UPND alliance because he was looking for a job.

The EF leader Sunday announced that his party will work with the UPND to advance a just and civil political environment in the country to engender peace, unity and development.

However, some political players have questioned Mr. Kabimba’s move to join the UPND alliance when he has several times castigated the President Hakainde Hichilema administration as being a failed project.


  1. Mr. Kabimba in the last two days read the statements that are attributed to you?
    Think about what they suggest and the arrogance therein? Brilliant is the word you said that you are. Self praise….?
    You can offer constructive criticism without all the drama that you have said in the last two days….anyone in their right sense would have quietly worked with this administration without making all the statements and self agrandised attribute about one’s self.
    Stop thinking that Zambia is you and widsom begins and ends with you and those that are within the party are “numbskulls” and their efforts are useless. That was a very reckless and arrogant suggestion about those who you hope to work with. Even HH is but one cog in the regime and works with everyone for the party to have reached its current position and lead the nation.
    First say you are sorry and stop being like Mwamba, Lungu and other people who take Zambians for fools. That is deflection. Sorry is an admission of one having wronged others. Then people can realise that you recognise that you didnt mean to offend. This is just you trying to be smart and we have enough people trying to act smart when infact not.
    Stewards is what we want of our leaders…not entitledness and arrogance.

  2. Mr. Kabimba in the last two days read the statements that are attributed to you?
    Think about what they suggest and the arrogance therein? Brilliant is the word you said that you are. Self praise….?
    You can offer constructive criticism without all the drama that you have said in the last two days….anyone in their right sense would have quietly worked with this administration without making all the statements and self agrandised attribute about one’s self.
    Stop thinking that Zambia is you and widsom begins and ends with you and those that are within the party are “numbskulls” and their efforts are useless. That was a very reckless and arrogant suggestion about those who you hope to work with. Even HH is but one cog in the regime and works with everyone for the party to have reached its current position and lead the nation.
    First say you are sorry and stop being like Mwamba, Lungu and other people who take Zambians for fools. That is deflection. Sorry is an admission of one having wronged others. Then people can realise that you recognise that you didnt mean to offend. This is just you trying to be smart and we have enough people trying to act smart when infact not.
    Stewards is what we want of our leaders…not entitledness and arrogance.

  3. The man is talking in parables if you say that you want to work together with UPND to finish the Alebwelelapo project that is already a job, weather it is paid for or not is another issue, so you cannot now turn 360 degrees and claim that you are not hungry for a Job (of finishing the Alebwelelapo Project), those are semantics and you just have to come clean so that the one who accepts you knows your true intentions. However, goodness is that he knows you so well to fall in your trap, remember you woke up people in the middle of the night.

  4. The man is talking in parables if you say that you want to work together with UPND to finish the Alebwelelapo project that is already a job, weather it is paid for or not is another issue, so you cannot now turn 360 degrees and claim that you are not hungry for a Job (of finishing the Alebwelelapo Project), those are semantics and you just have to come clean so that the one who accepts you knows your true intentions. However, goodness is that he knows you so well to fall in your trap, remember you woke up people in the middle of the night.

  5. It’s not easy to start a party and survive.That is why you people in UPND and those who benefited from PF govt ministerial or any posts should thank both great sons of the mother Zambia ,late A.Mazoka and C.Sata, May Their Souls Rest In Peace..!If a person says doesn’t want to land a job it would mean that they want to be idle cos I know there is no sweet without sweat..if you don’t want to sweat for mother Zambia why do you join the Alliance to go and sleep there ?It is only after landing a post or job that you can contribute more significantly to the development of the countryside you would help formulate and interprate govt policies in order to help the govt deliver to its citizens. Late J.Mwanakatwe decided to quit govt to continue his job as a Lawyer till death,MHSRIP…great man too…!

  6. It’s not easy to start a party and survive.That is why you people in UPND and those who benefited from PF govt ministerial or any posts should thank both great sons of the mother Zambia ,late A.Mazoka and C.Sata, May Their Souls Rest In Peace..!If a person says doesn’t want to land a job it would mean that they want to be idle cos I know there is no sweet without sweat..if you don’t want to sweat for mother Zambia why do you join the Alliance to go and sleep there ?It is only after landing a post or job that you can contribute more significantly to the development of the countryside you would help formulate and interprate govt policies in order to help the govt deliver to its citizens. Late J.Mwanakatwe decided to quit govt to continue his job as a Lawyer till death,MHSRIP…great man too…!

  7. Ba Kabimba, would you admit it if you were looking for a job? After all, you denied that you were cosying up to UPND after visiting Community House. Now you have jumped into this alliance with UPND.

    So, it is safe to assume that when you say no, you mean yes and when you say yes, you mean no.

  8. Ba Kabimba, would you admit it if you were looking for a job? After all, you denied that you were cosying up to UPND after visiting Community House. Now you have jumped into this alliance with UPND.

    So, it is safe to assume that when you say no, you mean yes and when you say yes, you mean no.

  9. Winter, posterity will judge you well. I think HH7 means well. The only challenge is he has very weak, mature politicians. You are a patriot. You have made a good decision. We need to move forward.

  10. Winter, posterity will judge you well. I think HH7 means well. The only challenge is he has very weak, mature politicians. You are a patriot. You have made a good decision. We need to move forward.

  11. Any sane and sober person cannot join UKWA because of Lungu. Find a sober person to lead it and you may just see the tide turn. Lungu represents delinquency, lawlessness , violence, gassing, cadreism, reckless borrowing, drunken misleadership etc

  12. Any sane and sober person cannot join UKWA because of Lungu. Find a sober person to lead it and you may just see the tide turn. Lungu represents delinquency, lawlessness , violence, gassing, cadreism, reckless borrowing, drunken misleadership etc


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