Home Business I’m sad to see a newspaper Notice informing us that Ulendo is...

I’m sad to see a newspaper Notice informing us that Ulendo is now under liquidation- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
What lessons can one draw from the rise and fall of Ulendo?

…failing to protect local businesses…

I’m sad to see a newspaper Notice informing us that Ulendo is now under liquidation.

Taxi or Ride-Hailing are disruptive services that replaced traditional taxis.
They dynamically match drivers’ supply and customers’ demand and allow customers to hire drivers to send them to destinations through online ride-hailing platforms, such as Uber and Didi Chuxing in China.

Ulendo was the local equivalent and immediately took over the taxi business in Zambia boasting over 10,000 cars joining andnusing the App…until Yango came on…

How did Ulendo respond to this fierce foreign competion?
Where the authorities at Ministry of Transport and Communications oblivious to this development?

Did they prematurely allow a foreign entity dominate a locally growing and locally owned market?
And how did this eventually displace and disrupt traditional tax business?

And now the bike-hailing service has joined the queue…

What are your thoughts?


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