Home Politics SOCIALIST PARTY Imenda’s Revelations About President Hichilema Must Be Interrogated- Antonio Mwanza

Imenda’s Revelations About President Hichilema Must Be Interrogated- Antonio Mwanza

Antonio Mwanza


UPND Secretary General Batuke Imenda has disclosed that President Hakainde SAMMY Hichilema intends to use loans and other funds that the Zambian Government is about to receive from the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the European Union (EU) to share with his UPND cadres.

Mr Imenda exposed this scam at a public meeting that he held in Chawama, last Saturday.

The African Development Bank is a regional multilateral development finance institution established to contribute to the economic development and social progress of African countries that are the institution’s Regional Member Countries (RMCs). The bank’s mission is to promote the investment of public and private capital in projects and programmes that are likely to contribute to the economic development of its stakeholders.

The European Union is a long-standing cooperating partner of Zambia. For over 40 years the EU has been supporting Zambia’s development in its social, economic and environmental dimensions through the European Development Fund (EDF) and a number of other financing instruments.

The loans that the Zambian Government receives from the AfDB and the EU are for national development and can not be diverted to finance UPND cadres. This is a scandal of epic proportion and it can not go unpunished. The Zambian people must hold Mr Hichilema and his Government accountable for this planned abuse of public office.

With this expose, Zambians are wondering as to how safe their money is, and how deep is the corruption rooted in the UPND government. From sharing proceeds of crime from the theft of sugilite, fertiliser deals, gold to now sharing public loans with Party cadres.

Further, we urge the African Development Bank and the European Union to review and halt their commitments to Mr Hichilema’s Government and ensure that their funds are protected and accounted for.

Issued by;
Antonio M. Mwanza
Deputy General Secretary
Socialist Party Zambia



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