Invite the UN Independent Experts to Lusaka – EZRA NGULUBE



31st August 2024

Invite the UN Independent Experts to Lusaka – Zambia.

The Government of Zambia should invite to Lusaka the UN Independent Experts of the United Nations Human Rights Council who have received allegations of human rights abuse in Zambia so that they can verify their authenticity.

As stakeholders, we don’t think it is right for the experts to make conclusive remarks about alleged human rights abuses in Zambia without a fact finding mission.

We feel that the experts should have waited for a comprehensive response from the Government of Zambia on allegations so that a balanced view is given to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Since the experts have indicated that they are engaging the Zambian Government on the allegations, the best is to invite them to Zambia.

We are appealing to Government to take this route because the allegation the experts have received can be from anyone or people within Zambia or abroad.

If it is the people within Zambia, we are wondering why not make use of the Human Rights Commission here in Zambia?
If it is people abroad, let them know that the Zambian Government has removed the Defamation of the President clause to enable free speech.

While the Government of Zambia should not bother about the messengers of doom, it should concentrate on feeding the experts with an enabling environment about the prevailing situation in the country.

We take note that the experts are not staff members of the United Nation Human Rights Council and therefore could have received wrong information from people of evil intentions.

As stakeholders in the governance of Zambia, what we know is that we have in our midst people suspected to have stolen public funds who have been arrested and these are appearing in court.

We don’t think the experts are saying criminals and the corrupt people (Leaders) should be allowed to enjoy the stolen public funds without answering to the law of the land.

The Government of Zambia should ensure that as a member of the United Nations and the United Nations Human Rights Council, all members should be treated fairly and in a just manner to avoid a one-sided view.

Once again, we urge Government to invite experts to come to Zambia on a fact finding mission rather than listen to allegations.



  1. Which human rights commission should people report to? Laura Miti ‘s commission?
    What the UN report has revealed is that the NGOs , the Church , Law Association of Zambia and Laura Miti ‘s Human Rights Commission have been sleeping. These organisations can’t say they are not seeing the misrule and abuses going on in the country..These organizations by looking away are complicit to the degeneration of governance in Zambia. We don’t need the UN to tell us about what we ourselves are seeing daily.
    And Mr Ngulube, read the UN report. No where is it talking about people being arrested for alleged stealing of state property. It’s talking about fundamental freedoms of citizens. Daily arrests for sedition. How giving an interview can amount to sedition. Freedom of assembly, long detentions without trial, police taking over churches searching congregants, summoning priests over homilies, hate speech , abuse of state machinery to destroy opposition political parties , and the descent to autocratic rule.
    And your suggestion to invite the UN to talk to who? To talk to Kawana and Liswaniso? Or Laura Miti’s Human Rights Commission? Or Bongo bongo brainless and the legion of Praise Thugs.( I can imagine the insults landing in the mail inbox of the UN Human Rights Rapporteur over this report… praise thuggery gone global )
    Yes they can come, but they should talk to all stake holders, including the Catholic church and opposition parties.

    • If you are an idiot and son of a bitch, don’t bring me into this stupidity and nonsense of low caliber.

      If those who gassed us, plundered and stole from us, those who murdered innocent Zambian and the worst corrupt idiots are your yakumbuyo bedders and if you have nothing sensible to talk about, just shut your stinking anus you call mouth. STUPID IDIOT.

  2. Which human rights commission should people report to? Laura Miti ‘s commission?
    What the UN report has revealed is that the NGOs , the Church , Law Association of Zambia and Laura Miti ‘s Human Rights Commission have been sleeping. These organisations can’t say they are not seeing the misrule and abuses going on in the country..These organizations by looking away are complicit to the degeneration of governance in Zambia. We don’t need the UN to tell us about what we ourselves are seeing daily.
    And Mr Ngulube, read the UN report. No where is it talking about people being arrested for alleged stealing of state property. It’s talking about fundamental freedoms of citizens. Daily arrests for sedition. How giving an interview can amount to sedition. Freedom of assembly, long detentions without trial, police taking over churches searching congregants, summoning priests over homilies, hate speech , abuse of state machinery to destroy opposition political parties , and the descent to autocratic rule.
    And your suggestion to invite the UN to talk to who? To talk to Kawana and Liswaniso? Or Laura Miti’s Human Rights Commission? Or Bongo bongo brainless and the legion of Praise Thugs.( I can imagine the insults landing in the mail inbox of the UN Human Rights Rapporteur over this report… praise thuggery gone global )
    Yes they can come, but they should talk to all stake holders, including the Catholic church and opposition parties.

    • If you are an idiot and son of a bitch, don’t bring me into this stupidity and nonsense of low caliber.

      If those who gassed us, plundered and stole from us, those who murdered innocent Zambian and the worst corrupt idiots are your yakumbuyo bedders and if you have nothing sensible to talk about, just shut your stinking anus you call mouth. STUPID IDIOT.

  3. Don’t intertain nonsense Mr Ngulube, the same perpetrators of anarchy are the one who wrote to the UN and submitted false hood and misinformation in order to gain sympathy and to discredit the government
    on good governance and politics of democracy and the freedoms of other political players.If you invite the UN to come it means you attract costs to the government.That money for allowances can be channelled to other needy areas.It is other wise better to write back to UN to counteract to the fake submissions and give correct narratives.In some cases videos and audios are available to show why some individuals needed to be arrested.I don’t think there is a country on this earth where they intertain anarchy.In a country like Haiti the people want peace, order and tranquility it’s only the criminals who want “ku filila munsenga” they want to steal in midst of confusion.

  4. Don’t intertain nonsense Mr Ngulube, the same perpetrators of anarchy are the one who wrote to the UN and submitted false hood and misinformation in order to gain sympathy and to discredit the government
    on good governance and politics of democracy and the freedoms of other political players.If you invite the UN to come it means you attract costs to the government.That money for allowances can be channelled to other needy areas.It is other wise better to write back to UN to counteract to the fake submissions and give correct narratives.In some cases videos and audios are available to show why some individuals needed to be arrested.I don’t think there is a country on this earth where they intertain anarchy.In a country like Haiti the people want peace, order and tranquility it’s only the criminals who want “ku filila munsenga” they want to steal in midst of confusion.

  5. The government should respond with evidence that will refute the allegations in the report of the so called UN experts. Before publishing such a report, these so called experts should have checked the evidence from the government and from those who claim that their human rights and freedoms were infringed upon. A balanced report could have indicated views and feedback from the government and from those who claim their human rights and freedoms were infringed upon by the government.

  6. The government should respond with evidence that will refute the allegations in the report of the so called UN experts. Before publishing such a report, these so called experts should have checked the evidence from the government and from those who claim that their human rights and freedoms were infringed upon. A balanced report could have indicated views and feedback from the government and from those who claim their human rights and freedoms were infringed upon by the government.


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