By Maiko Zulu
When they (PF) sent Police to tame us, we shared our water with them because we understand the difficult situations that our officers are put in by those who fear what is right.
Unfortunately, the happenings have not changed under the UPND. Corruption and theft of public resources is rampant and disregard of human rights has continued. Freedoms of assembly and expression are curtailed and once again it’s clear to see kuti #banatiwasha.
Most media houses meanwhile have become propaganda tools such that there is no difference in content between Prime, Diamond and ZNBC.
This is where we miss The Post…
There is no smoke without fire. We all know that. Corruption allegations have been very loud since almost two weeks ago. The current President must take a leaf from the way KK (MHSRIEP) and LPM (MHSRIEP) came down hard on corrupt officials. They were decisive. They never gave responses such as “I asked him/her and he/she refused” or “he/she is an elected official therefore cannot be suspended or asked to step-down for a while to allow smooth investigations to be carried out”. Such responses are not only shocking but they will also not gel with Zambians. Take heed.
Sharp shooter. Kk never fought corruption that’s why he lost election in 1991. Only Mwanawasa and HH have fought corruption. As for rasta zulu corruption can only be eliminated if people stop corrupt practices. Start to sing against corruption.
Voice, KK fought corruption. Remember that the ACC was established during his reign. He lost elections in 1991 partly because a good number of the corrupt people he had disciplined regrouped and launched a crusade against him. Luckily for them Zambians were tired of one-party state and wanted change. Massive corruption set in immediately MMD took over forcing Ministers Aka Mbikusita Lewanika and Baldwin Nkumbula to resign from Chiluba’s cabinet. Maybe you have information that will sway me from my continued belief that KK fought corruption.
Voice, do not just talk from your ass about corruption during KK times. Clearly you were not born. I will not waste my time educating you.
Sharp shooter, you are correct about what you have written. Voice has no information at all. He is just chipante pante like the tribalist conman.
Vote wisely in 2026.
What corruption has HH fought? Sugilite, gold scandal, fertiliser single sourcing, disappearance of maize, drugs scandal etc. Who has been arrested and convicted for corruption under HH. All the accused ministers are still working including Munchende.