It’s only crime when it affects the Opposition- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


It’s only crime when it affects the Opposition

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote

In August 2021, Nakonde MP, Lucas Simumba had his lodge and vehicle burnt by identified UPND members.

Similarly Sunbeam Lodge in Masaiti District, belonging to Stardy Mwale and PF candidate was burnt to ashes in suspected arson.

These were calculated, vile and senseless acts of violence and crime.

Justice demands that the cases are dealt with fairly, with the same vigour. But it is now established that the pursuit of the law only affects members of the Opposition.


  1. There is selective justice right now.

    If you are UPND or a Zambezi dweller, you are untouchable. You can insult, steal or abuse office. At worst, when the evidence is in public domain, you will only get fired, but never arrested.

    Vote with your stomachs in 2026.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. You have rightly put it that the arsonists in Nakonde and Masaiti were identified UPND members, what we don’t know is whether they were reported to the police or not because in August, 2021, PF was still in charge and you should know better. Umulandu taubola, even now, the cases can still be taken to Court as long as there is enough evidence in both incidents, the new dawn government has leveled the ground, everyone is equal before the law. Everyone has an equal footing muli Bally.

  3. Mr. Mwamba when you have facts, and evidence you go to the police. Even hire a private prosecutor like you sister Tasila. In court that is where the mulandu will be “weluzaed” not pano….ukusabaila mwatewemwa fyongo mupanga. Miles Sampa didnt make noise on the Mopani issue. He went and filed in court so that the court can adjudicate the matter. Leaking state secrets is a crime, Mwamba and you are lucky whoever should follow up the matter has not.
    Mwisamwa mwaiche Mwamba, be professional

  4. What is to be professional? Mwamba is a politician so he is behaving according to his profession. In politics you talk talk and talk. Even your HH does the same

    • Problem Mwamba and his talking has become a danger to society because his intentions are create lawlessness which luckily Zambians now see through all his lies. Membe and the post type of politics are a thing of the past. The world is informed, anything can be verified


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