Jay Jay demands apology, compensation from State
EMMANUEL Jay Jay Banda, currently admitted at Maina Soko Military Hospital after collapsing for the second time yesterday is demanding for an apology from the State and a proposed amount of money for having been subjected physical and psychological torture by the Zambia Police and threatening his right to life.
Mr Banda has given the State a twenty-four hours ultimatum in which to render the apology and propose an adequate compensation for the injurious conduct occasioned to him by the police.
Mr Banda, through his lawyers, Makebi Zulu Advocates has complained that he has suffered inhuman and degrading treatment at the hands of the police and that his life was threatened by the acts of the police who violently forcibly evacuated him from Medlands Hospital to Maina Soko Military Hospital against his will https://dailynationzambia.com/
Can only be reported by daily nation….
Can only be reported by daily nation….