Tribalist Chishimba Kambwili has been certified fit by doctors in South Africa.

And Kambwili confirmed his fitness to Koswe when we met him in Sandton City where he was shopping around.

The confirmed tribalist said that he was physically fit and ready to serve the 5 months jail sentence slapped on him by the Zambian courts of law.

He has however warned the UPND government that following the establishment of the fast track court and mandate to deal with all matters within 5 months, many people who were in Edgar Lungu’s government are planning to run away.

Meanwhile UKWA party has been planning to go to the airport by loading junkies and receive Former Bishop Telesphore Mpundu who had gone to America for medical purposes.

The UKWA party thugs plan that if the state police stop them from going to the airport to give Mpundu what they are calling “Heroes” welcome, then they would have won political mileage.

Mpundu is in the States seeking medical attention and Koswe can’t delve into the details except to advice UKWA lunatics and especially men with huge behinds to refrain from abusing an ailing old man.


  1. You choose to call Archbishop Mpundu who is 78 years of age an ailing old man. Yet the Leslie Mbula you want to listen to is 82 years old. It is only three years ago when Mpundu was supporting HH and UPND. Now you want to tell us he is useless that he is speaking against HH and UPND. Is this how ungrateful you can be?

    • Matero Dr, so because your emeritus relic Bishop is 3yrs younger than Mbulo he is not old? You think by parroting ubusushi ati the relic bishop supported HH7 people will listen to you? This relic bishop is just as much a pfidiot as you Matero Dr’s shaaaaaa!!!

    • If Mpundu has decided to take his support to the same people who destroyed the economy, who are UPND to stop him from doing that? You have always said that everyone has a democratic right to do as they like, then why should UPND keep clinging to Telesphore Mpundu who has shifted camp to Umodzi Kumawa alliance (UKWA)?

  2. Dr. Kaoma, that’s how Tongas are. Full of hatred. This is why in the Northern part of Zambia, Tongas have become very unpopular because of their vendictiveness. Just because Archbishop Mpundu has decided to point out Hichilema’s wrongs , then they should call him names. But the Tongas are suffering the same hardships like any other tribes in this country because of bad economic policies by Hichilema! Bembas and Bemba speaking people will always be above other tribes because they are very smart! A Bemba will condemn fellow Bemba if he or she is doing something wrong. Bembas are not publicly selfish like other some other tribes. But a Tonga will always support a fellow Tonga even if he can’t afford mealie meal at K600 , high price caused by mis management of economy by a Tonga (selling national maize reserves). Please change Tongas (writers of Koswe) , hatred will not help you in any way. You are just making most Zambians to hate you and your tribal party. You saw what happens on Womens’ day and Youth day! Zambians showed you that PF is the biggest party , and that Edgar Lungu the most popular leader of a party!

    • @Manganga
      I agree with you. In addition, most of the young men who behave like this smell coackroach on this site abuse drugs which make them say what they say. Before you know it, they go mad and start living on the street. Wait for 2026 when most of them will go mad.

      • Matero Dr it’s not 2026 yet and your fellow Matero Dr mmembe is already mad for instance how does he say he stems fromm all 10 provinces in Zambia including Scotland. Like you that thinks Matero is UK ati were you studied isn’t that madness? The other Matero Dr Zuma now keeps talking in 12, isn’t this madness? Do by 2026 you will have graduated from ifisushi to ukuinyelawila fye stupid pfidiots!!!

    • This level of stupidity must end. If you benefited in being beaten in the defunct TuPF cadre government, it’s not everyone from Northern region of Zambia
      We stopped seeing tribes in a person long time ago and so don’t show your ignorance and criminality here
      My family from Kasama has been associated with Tongas and I have no problem with it

    • Please understand that our brothers are a rural and insecure people. Don’t judge them too harshly. “Governing “ Zambia is an opportunity for them to see Zambia beyond Kafue town.

    • You’re an idiot. Don’t include all Tongas in your foolishness. If you hate the President as a Tonga person, avoid dragging the whole Tonga tribe into your HATRED. Tongas have always voted en masse for every President since the time of Roy Welensky, why should you despise them now just because the current president is Tonga? Mbuyanga oobo.

  3. I fail to understand why those responding this article are hurling insults at one another. To me, this a propaganda piece by someone who is clearly sick in the head. There is no truth to this story.

    For ba Manganga, please speak for yourself. If you have issues with Tongas, it does not become a universal crisis for those from Northern province. I come from Kasama and my uncle is married to a Tonga lady (they live in Kasama). My Yong brother is also married to a Tonga lady. I have not found anything wrong in their character.

    This stereotyping nonsense must come to an end.

    • I shudder to imagine how this manganga lives coz everyday he wakes up just to find the President of this country is still HH7, a Tonga whose tribe is below Bembas and their kin?? Since ati Bembas are very smart, maybe they should make a time machine and fast forward themselves to 2026!!!!

  4. In fact, to add on to what you have said @JMC, which I support very much, because I’m a Lozi who’s married to a Chewa from the Eastern Province, this inter-marriage practice is a sure way of uniting ZAMBIA under our UNITARY MOTTO OF: ” ONE ZAMBIA, ONE NATIIN”. I FIND THIS PRACTICE TO BE VERY GOOD. THANK YOU BO/BA JMC. I SALUTE YOU.

    • Maybe we should add.to the one Zambia one NATION and include ONE PEOPLE .
      As you say intermarriage is a common practice now,.zt the end of day zambians are ONE PEOPLE.
      When competing internationally are competitors recognised by their tribe or as PROUD ZAMBIANS

  5. Additionally, this is why Ex-President Kenneth KAUNDA (MHSRIP) is said to have successfully tried to UNITE THE 73++ TRIBES IN ZAMBIA.

  6. Kambwili they are delaying because they want to make sure you are fit and observing you shopping and going about your normal business so that when you are brought back you don’t start feigning illness again.

  7. Have readthe article many times trying to find where the now healthy kambwilli saud the government is delaying buying him ticket.
    Headlines on Zambian observer are sometimes for dramatic effect

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