Home Politics MMD Karma is not a Christian Principle, Clergy tells Nevers Mumba, Forgiveness is!

Karma is not a Christian Principle, Clergy tells Nevers Mumba, Forgiveness is!


Karma is not a Christian Principle, Clergy tells Nevers Mumba, Forgiveness is!

Karma is a concept rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism, involving the consequences of one’s actions that affect their future experiences.

In Christian philosophy, the emphasis is on concepts like grace, redemption, and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ rather than a direct cause-and-effect relationship based on deeds.

While both traditions address ethical behavior, they differ in their fundamental principles and theological foundations.

I was appalled to watch a video of Dr. Nevers Mumba claiming that what Zambia’s Sixth President was going through was because of Karma.

It shows how the former Pastor can cheapen himself in a quest to support his master, President Hakainde Hichilema.

Lets forgive Dr. Nevers Mumba.

Bishop Peter Jay Mwale


  1. While forgiveness is a christian virtue. Christians are allowing criminals the licence to steal because we must forgive. Are they then suggesting we circumvent and do away with the law? Because even Jesus said to the Pharasees that he had not come to set aside the law, but to amplify it.
    Lungu is using the clergy to vilify himself using Banda the Bishop and visiting churches with to ma brown envelope. That sadly is buying the church. And not asking for forgiveness. He stole. Let him bring the “non crumbs” back and humble himself. Forgiveness starts with the person who wants to be forgiven by putting himself and his heart in a state where he is sorry. I dont see Lungu in his arrogant statements being sorry for his transgressions to the People of Zambia. Its not Hichilema who he oftended? Its the Zambians. I dont see Lusambo being sorry, when he says he is rich because of Lungu. That is a Public resource that they hold. Government contracts kwisa? Public resources that they were sharing and lying that they were our stewards?

  2. Ba Bishop, mwatenga chusi mwasiya mulilo!
    It’s one and the same thing! Stop splitting hairs and advise politicians correctly!
    Words and actions have consequences! This has nothing to do with Religion! It’s a Law of Nature which may have different names depending on which continent you come from!
    This natural law is the foundation of the Golden Rule – Do unto others what you want them to do unto you!
    If you want love, be the first to show love! If you want peace, be the first one to be at peace with yourself!
    It’s also called the Law of Attraction!
    If you are full of bitterness, bitter people will be your favorite company.
    And bad company corrupts morals.

    Coming to Dr Mumba’s argument, ECL can be a good person if he chose friends and associations carefully! Trouble is ECL is easily influenced by bad characters. His affinity for bad company is amazing!

    And because of keeping bad company, he made some terrible decisions while in office.
    A man who swore twice to uphold the constitution ended up abusing it with impunity.
    Police service became militarized to the point of terrorizing innocent citizens, indiscriminate use of teargas, use of live ammunition on defenseless protestors, disabling some and killing some.
    For ECL to complain he was teargassed is even laughable!
    Was he smelling teargas for the first time?
    Kumawa timati “Chaona mzako chapita, m’mawa chili paiwe!”
    This is Karma!
    This is cause and effect!
    You are reaping exactly what you sowed!
    You don’t plant Maize and expect to reap Groundnuts!
    Stick to your lane ba Bishop otherwise offering izachepa! Your church membership is a diverse political group! This is why we always counsel the Clergy not to be partisan but to remain neutral!
    If you want to join politics, do what Frank Bwalya did.
    You cannot serve two masters at the same time!

  3. The idea of declaring Zambia to follow a Christian deity is as stupid as it being declared this and that.
    Where is UBUNTU?

  4. Religion is a night mare. It appears it is one of the ? ‘Professions’ where one can be anything. Is there a difference between philosophy, theolology and world view. I wonder if ‘Christians’ believe in consequences based on actions? Most Christian leaders request or require their members to be virtuous and do good things like helping the poor, pay tithe with a promise of Heaven while the opposite is discouraged because it will lead to ‘Hell’. Both these two destinations or consequences are
    based on actions, so why is this Bishop humiliating his colleague like this? Sometimes religion is used for different ends. I believe some of that is power over people- who think God is guiding these people, preacher enrichment, mind control. IT IS VERY UNFORTUNATE BECAUSE THIS VEHICLE WAS ONE OF THE VEHICLES USED IN SLAVERY, COLONIALISM, MURDER OF PEOPLE AND CAPTURE OF THEIR LANDS( The Doctrine of Discovery ). Nothing appears to be HOLY in ALL of the mentioned activities. SO WHAT ARE WE DEALING WITH?

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