This Sparx Mulenga story😮!
By Laura Miti
I find myself feeling genuinely sorry for President Lungu. I think he is being played by people in his own party.
Here is my theory conjured up by patching together all manner of stories doing the rounds
This President has Ministers and senior Party officials who do not respect him. They think they are smarter than him and probably deserve to be President more.
BUT they need him to stay president to maintain the top range lifestyles funded by public money they have become accustomed to. This is seeing they have failed to work out a
way of replacing him while ensuring they can keep the presidency in the PF and their faction.
So they make plans to keep him in power that do not include him. It’s not really about him after all. Some of the plans are so hedious and harmful to the country, he probably would not OK them.
That’s all theory but right now, so little makes sense that we have to try and make some kind logic of the madness.
Question is if theory has some truth – what will the President do🤔.