LAURA MITI: UPND Promised Us Sanity; They’re Giving Us Insanity
Laura Miti writes…
There are a lot of people celebrating this prejudicial punishment of people that is happening via the transporting of suspects to God and government forsaken corners of the country.
Look at it this way:
1. It’s all good to allow a government to abuse the law against people you do not like, until that government turns on you. PF did not start out as the monster it ended up being. Their cadres did not start by marching into offices to attack civil servants. They started with savaging faceless opposition members who “did not matter, so the country just ignored the situation.
What moral or legal wrong we allow UPND to do, will only grow. Government excesses only get worse if not nipped in the bud by citizens.
2. There should not be parts of the country that are considered a punishment. There are Zambians who live there.
Government is shamelessly weaponising the unequal distribution of public resources and development we have.
3. Driving suspects across the country on bad roads is a waste of resources. Waste of fuel, labour hours and destruction of vehicles.
4. In sending suspects to be detained far away from home, the state is punishing innocent families, many of them poor. The state does not provide food for non-convicts. So who feeds these people?
5. UPND promised us sanity and progress. This is not progress.
In short, please stop this.
NOTE: The author is a human rights activist and educationist.