I’M consulting people from all the provinces on whether I should contest any position in the Patriotic Front ahead of the anticipated June convention and will donate a substantial amount of money to towards that cause, the party’s deputy mobilisation chairperson, Mr Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, (GBM) has said.
Mr Mwamba said he was ready to give the party a substantial amount so that it could meet the K5 million needed to host the convention and urged other members to do the same.
He said he could not disclose the amount he was going to fork out but that it would be substantial.
“I cannot give you the amount of money I’m going to contribute. Definitely I’m going to contribute something that will help the party come June,” he said.
Mr Mwamba said he was confident other members and well-wishers would come in and help meet the K5m budget.
He however cautioned the party to be very cautious during this time because if they were not careful confusions would rock the organisation.
Mr Mwamba said he was sure the party would remain united despite people vying for various positions.
He said for the PF to bounce back there was need for unity of purpose by all the players even those who would not win the positions they contested for.
Mr Mwamba said that he would still contribute even if he did not contest any position at the convention.
“I have made it a point that I must help unite the party whether I’m vying for any position or not because that is what we need at the moment,” he said.
He said it was important for those vying for positions not to undermine the acting president and other senior members of the party because they were the stalwarts who needed the respect and support from all members who wanted to take the party to greater heights.- Daily Nation