Home World Africa Liberia’s new president fails to end inauguration speech

Liberia’s new president fails to end inauguration speech


Liberia’s new President Joseph Boakai has failed to reach the end of his inauguration speech as he appeared to almost pass out and had to be held up at a ceremony in the capital, Monrovia.

He had already been speaking for around 30 minutes when it became clear that he was having difficulty talking.

Mr Boakai was surrounded by his aides and members of the executive protection service and escorted from the ceremony at the Capitol Building, which is the seat of the legislature.

The event was then adjourned prematurely.

The 79-year-old was sworn in as Liberia’s oldest president and there had been rumours about his poor health.


  1. Not all African leaders deserve being so.They are made leaders by certain forces which cannot be seen by voters’ naked eyes.That is y they dont deliver.What voters think and what tthey are are two different things indeed.But for how long will politians ride on voters’ ignorance ?Voters will always remain poor while the people they elect swim in massive wealth ????From Berlin

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