Opposition Socialist Party Zambia president Dr Fred M’membe has described the current power supply rationing (loadshedding) as a disaster.
Dr. M’membe said it is unfortunate that people spent their Christmas without power. He has since called on the UPND administration to plan ahead.
THE load shedding crises is getting worse. And this is also evident to that ZESCO has even failed to provide power 24/7 during the festive season. Many Zambians spent Christmas without power. And for some, by mid day the great majority were loadshedded. Power only comes back very late in the night when many people are asleep.
To aid planning ahead of 2025, the UPND GOVERNMENT should explain the following to the nation:
1. How much power will be generated from hydro in 2025.
2. Is the power generation sufficient to end load shedding in 2025? We think the answer is categorical NO.
3. If the power generation is not sufficient to end load shedding, how many hours of load shedding per day should we expect?
4. To alleviate further suffering by our citizens, have we put measures in place to import power to close the demand deficit?
5. How much power are we going to import and from where?
6. To avoid an abrupt increase in tariffs under the pretext of “emergency tariffs adjustments” as was the case this year, what tarrifs rates should consumers expect? Same as current tarrifs or a further upwards adjustment!
Dr Fred M’membe
If Membe is genuine he would say the 60 year problem is now clear for all to see. It didn’t matter who was in power but failures of past governments are now visible. Osati kushulashula chabe!!
Load shedding will.continue in 2025 and further as Kariba dam is at a low level of 2.3%, if normal rainfull occurs it will take a minimum of 6 years to reach a sustainable level to maintain generation
Diversifying generation is the only medium to long term.solution to end load shedding buy comes at a very high cost.
Alot of the current situation has occurred due to non reflective tarrifs which has and will continue to discourage potential investors, which has led to over supplying the international market to bring in desperatable required capital.
There is no quick fix solution here as major investment is required over the next 6 to 8 years to resolve the current situation, not good news for our people as this will continue to drive up inflation and increase costs of business and the family food basket.
Unfortunately the media is not reporting the situation in depth and this is where frustration and anger stems from
Just because some people had no power or were loadshedded on the Christmas Day, then load shedding becomes a disaster. Be objective bwana.
I thought all these useless questions being asked is because we have had no adequate rains in 2024 and most likely will have no adequate rains in 2025, therefore more loadshedding next year. Are HH and UPND Rainmakers? Simple elementary common sense even for a Grade 7 Failure. I thought the current government is trying to diversify the Energy Mix in the country? No rocket science. I am sure Fred and his SP would have done no better than what the current government is doing.
M’membe these are not solutions but questions. Now since you’ve been pondering these questions to yourself, what are your answers? That’s what opposition means providing alternatives not kuchulachula chase. If you can’t answer your own questions what’s the point of putting them out. Your friends are busy working and you are busy kuchula chula.