A MAN of Lusaka aged 34 has been wearing the same clothes for a week after his landlord locked him out of the house for failure to pay rent, the Matero Local Court has heard.
John Mwela dragged his landlord Regina Chandwe to court for reconciliation over eviction and locking of the house he has been renting.
Mwela told the court that he has been occupying Chandwe’s house for over two years.
He said he defaulted on rent payment because his employers have not been able to pay him and that things were bad for him so much that he could not even manage to provide for his family.
Mwela said his rent per month is K3,000 and he owed his landlord K9,000, including K3,000 which he failed to pay for water bills.
“After work I found my family seated outside the house and the house was locked.
My landlord locked the house because of the money which I owe her despite promising to pay her,” he said.
Mwela said everything, including food, clothes even for the children, was inside the house