Home Politics PF Lubinda gives German President Hichilema Protest Report…on rampant abuses of human rights...

Lubinda gives German President Hichilema Protest Report
…on rampant abuses of human rights in Zambia


Lubinda gives German President Hichilema Protest Report
…on rampant abuses of human rights in Zambia

From PF vice President Given Lubinda


Hon. Given Lubinda, the vice President of the largest opposition party in Zambia Patriotic Front (PF) has cautioned visiting Germany President Frank-Walter-Steinmeier to ´not get fooled´ by President Hakainde Hichilema´s rhetoric that things are well, and democracy is growing in Zambia when it’s not.

Mr. Lubinda, a former Foreign Affairs Minister and long serving lawmaker has told the Germany leader that the democratic space in Zambia has shrunk to an all time low while human and political rights abuses are on in the rise in a written protest letter delivered to the Germany embassy in Lusaka.

“I am compelled to write you because the President of Zambia has invested heavily propaganda project a façade to the international community that all is well when it’s not, as he (Hichilema) exhibits dictatorial tendencies in reality,” Mr Lubinda said.

Zambia enjoys warm relations with the Federal Republic of Germany dating back to independence in 1964 and is a constant recipient of development aid on condition that it provides a free expression and association space to its citizens which Mr. Lubinda says has suffered lately since Mr Hichilema became President in 2021 after a victory over President Edgar Lungu of PF.

Mr. Lubinda told the German President whose country is known for strict adherence to a human rights code of conduct in the European to take the following notes as he returns to Berlin while Zambia´s democratic space shrinks under President Hichilema:

  • The sad situation of state police arresting without charge, political opponents for several days or weeks without charging them against the laws of Zambia and international human rights standards.
  • In Zambia today no political parties or civil society groups are allowed to hold public rallies and demonstrations by state police and government, a brazen abuse of human rights.
  • On 30th October state police crossed the line by stopping the PF from holding an ´in door´ meeting, beyond the public open space rallies that can’t hold anymore, an action tantamount to colonial style politics.
  • In Zambia today, hate speech has become a crime used like a blunt instrument to punish anyone who dares speaks against President Hichilema, the case of Sean Tembo and Stardy Mwale
  • In Zambia today, a former respected Ambassador such us Emmanuel Mwamba can be arrested and beaten and abducted in broad day light at a car wash with no comment of disgust emanating from President Hichilema
  • Sadly, the sixth President of Zambia Mr Edgar Lungu cannot be allowed the freedom to exercise or travel abroad for a routine medical check up as per rights required by Mr Hichilema whose police force has ordered him to seek permission before he can do any physical exercise in public, something that was normal even before independence from colonial masters.
  • Mr Lubinda especially condemned President´s Hichilema´s wanton attack on the PF whose disintegration he has commenced using state police, the courts and parliament by sponsoring a rebel low level member of parliament from Matero Miles Sampa now masquerading as the president of the PF in parliament against the law.

The full litany of abuses prevailing in Zambia are available on the party´s website as distributed to the Germany embassy Mr. Lubinda hopes the largest economy in Europe will share with the entire European Union.

Mr Lubinda also bemoaned the fact that the EU, the U.S and other corporating partners are loudly silent today in the face of rampant human and political rights in Zambia as compared to the rule of President Edgar Lungu.

President Steinmeier is yet to respond to the PF vice President´s Protest Letter but has had a one-on-one meeting with leader of the opposition in the house hon. Brian Mundubile.

Although by law, hon. Mundubile is the bonafide leader of the opposition, Speaker of the house Nellie Mutti has against the law recognised another person as the leader of the house in a bid to destroy the largest opposition party in parliament.


  1. The ignorance of dogs like Lubinda about the world being a global village is not only surprising but appaling. Do I need Israel or Hamas to write to me to know what is happening?

    Who doesn’t know how not just shrinking but extinct was political space under the idiots known as PF under the watch of Lungu and Lubinda, when the largest opposition party leader was prevented from going to church or leaving the airport terminus and worse still detained 127 days for a traffic offense as a passenger and charged frivolously for treason? Who doesn’t know how youths who were threatened to have bones broken outsmarted the idiots and held a protest in the bush?

    Lubinda’s shit will end up as toilet tissues for the dogs at the residences of the two Presidents. STUPID IDIOT.

  2. This bunch of PF characters claim HH is a puppet of the west but they go to the same western countries to protest human rights abuse??
    These guys are jokers I think UPND should also be serious most of these guys have criminal records jail some of them with irrefutable evidence.
    They are thinking the president is weak hence the chaos!!

  3. Just a couple of months back, the same PF and other opposition parties were telling the same Western imperialists to stay out of Zambia’s internal affairs.

    It is important to be consistent if you want to earn other people’s respect. Opposition parties should not expect respect from the so called imperialists if in one breath they tell them to stay away from our internal affairs and in the next breath, they are getting cozy with the same imperialists.

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