While the provisions of the constitution are clear, that is not the only obstacle that Lungu will face come 2021.
The breach of a social contract between Lungu and we the people is ground enough for him not to even think of filling his nomination in 2021.
We the people of Zambia, both have equitable and legal remedies out of the breach of the social contract.
We can not vote for a person who have brought nothing but misery to the people of Zambia.
The social contract was entered into between we and lungu on the premise that there will be:
1. Law and order in the country
Unfortunately today your regime is gassing it’s own people or if not so, you have failed to combat the crisis.
2. That there will be a better standard of living due to the more money in our pockets concept.
Sir no one has money to even buy a bag of mealie meal.
3. You affirmed to protect the constitution both as you were sworn in as a lawyer and as a president.
It’s a shame sir that you have failed in that regard.. you have both championed and violated it.
So sir it’s not only the constitution that barres you but the failure to fulfill the social contract too..