Lungu’s Return Destroyed PF — Nevers Mumba
Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) President Nevers Mumba says the current crisis in the Patriotic Front (PF) have been caused by former President Edgar Lungu’s return to the party and active politics.
Mumba said the members of the former ruling party were well on course to redeeming the party’s status on the political scene before Lungu returned and attempted to claim leadership of the party.
“PF after it lost had a wonderful chance to do better than UNIP and MMD because they already had eight candidates who were ready to go to a convention for them to choose one president,” Mumba said.
The former Republican vice-president added that Lungu’s return had disrupted the process for PF’s path to recovery which has since resulted in the party’s current state of disorder.
“It was interrupted by the fact that president Lungu came back and that whole process got shattered and now they are in a crisis where PF is in three pieces which is even worse than MMD,” he said.
Mumba also moved to defend himself from claims that he has lowered the MMD’s political status.
He submitted that just like the PF, the MMD had been disadvantaged by the 2014 wrangles which occured after late former President Rupiah Banda returned to claim leadership of the party.
“For them who are saying I have destroyed MMD, lets talk about who has destroyed PF and PF must prove now that what happened to MMD could not have happened to them if there was someone else,” he said.
Mumba was speaking when he featured on Hot FM radio’s “The Hot Seat” program in Lusaka this morning.
Ze mushanina icimbala.
No shame at all this fallen “angel”.
Vote with your stomachs in 2026.
Vote wisely in 2026.