After reading reports from different news online pages that the Court has given Bowman Lusambo back the house seized by the Anti-corruption Commission (ACC) recently, forced me to take hold of the ruling itself and read for myself.
My understanding out of the judgment or ruling which is clear and guiding on the matter, esp on the last two pages of the ruling is that the ruling seems to suggest that Bowman has not been handed over the house in question back to him.
The ruling is clear that the Warrant of Seizure and the Notice of Restriction saved the same purpose hence the vacation of one, in this case the Warrant of Seizure.
In this case, the court categorically stated, in its ruling, that what has been vacated is the warrant of seizure and not the notice of restriction issued by the ACC on the house.
The court further guided that the obtaining of the Warrant of Seizure which was signed by the Court was erroneously done because it was done when there was already a Notice of Restriction on the property issued by the ACC.
It was duplicity of action which is why the Corut so it necessary to vacate its own Warrant of Seizure leaving the Notice of Restriction issued by the ACC still in force technically putting the house still under the ACC restriction.
Unless, ACC vacated its own Notice of Restriction on the said property, the House is still under legal restriction despite the vacation of the Warrant of Seizure.
Those who want to read for themselves the ruling, please take hold of the court ruling not hearsays as you may end up picking smoke from the coal than coal itself.
Better to misinterpret the ruling yourself than being misrepresented and taking up propaganda.
Corruption must fall.
I submit
McDonald Chipenzi