Kwenje Radio
By White Luhanga
Police in Chama district of Eastern Province have arrested a 20 year old man of Katangalika village in Chief Kambombo’s Chiefdom, for having carnal knowledge of a pregnant goat.
Muchinga Province Deputy Police Commanding officer, Mr. Ronald Zambo confirmed the incident to Kwenje Radio today.
Mr. Zambo said the incident happened today around 04:00hrs.
The Deputy Commanding officer said Tangali Goma, 30 , onwer of the victimized goat from Katangalika village reported that Gibson Mtonga was found having sex with a she- goat.
Brief facts of the matter are that, around 04:00 hours today, whilst Mr. Goma was asleep in his house he was awakened by a strange noise coming from his goat pen.
The Police Commanding Officer said Mr Goma went out to check and was surprised to find the door which was closed , widely open and he saw a person who was half naked having sex with a goat as it continued making a loud noise.
Mr. Zambo says when he got closer , he discovered that it was Gibson Mtonga who immediately ran away.
He said Mr. Goma later reported him to the Police station.
The Deputy Commanding officer says the she-goat which is believed to be pregnant was found with sperms, sustained swollen and bruised vulva parts.
He said the she-goat has since been medically examined by the veterinary doctor whose findings are consistent with the alleged offence.
Mr Zambo said the suspect is still in Police custody.
And he says a docket has since been opened for the suspect who has since been charged with bestiality contrary to section 155 part 2 Caption 87 of the Laws of Zambia.
End……… Kwenje Radio//WL//.