Martha Mushipe finally ‘rewarded‘


Martha Mushipe finally ‘rewarded‘

IN a surprising turn of events, the Lusaka High Court has entered a consent judegment ordering the State to compensate the UPND member and legal practitioner, Martha Mushipe, over K2 million for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution.

This comes despite the Attorney General, Mulilo Kabesha, previously arguing that Ms. Mushipe was not entitled to compensation.

Ms. Mushipe had sued the State, demanding over K4 million for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution for the offence of seditious practices.

Her demands included K1, 500, 000 for pain and suffering, K2, 880, 000 for loss of business, and K740, 000 for damaged property during a police search at her law firm, Mushipe & Associates.


  1. this door that UPND has opened means every time there is change of government people will be given payouts and that will be an incentive to for misbehavior. Zambians should really rethink the way politics are done because will never go forward

  2. That is what happens when someone’s rights are infringed.I just sympathize with the civil servants whose jobs were cut and we’re not paid accordingly.This is almost twenty five years ago imwe bantu sure! People were retired on national interest and voluntary retirement but no proper pension.This may be what causes some civil servants to misbehave at work for fear of miserable future.Every one in the country is quiet or talking or commenting on irrelevant things only.People whose rights were infringed not very long ago will be indemnified leaving civil servants who worked both day and night languishing.Chalo si chili fair zoonadi.


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