Home Politics UPND Millers Facing Difficulties Selling Their Mealie-meal Due To Intense Competition From ZNS...

Millers Facing Difficulties Selling Their Mealie-meal Due To Intense Competition From ZNS Eagles Brand



The Millers’ Association of Zambia-MAZ- says its members are facing difficulties to sell their mealie-meal due to intense competition from the cheap Zambia National Service Eagles’ mealie-meal brand.

MAZ President Andrew Chintala however says millers cannot reduce the price of their mealie-meal owing to the fluctuating production costs.

Mr. Chintala has clarified that the pricing of private mealie-meal brands is determined by the overall production costs and cannot compete with the pricing of the Eagle’s mealie-meal brand.

Speaking on the Phoenix Breakfast Show this morning, Mr. Chintala explained that there are numerous costs involved in the production of mealie-meal, which ultimately affects the pricing on the local market.

Mr. Chintala has since dismissed claims that millers are attempting to manipulate government by increasing mealie-meal prices, stating that private millers acquire maize from different sources, unlike the Eagle’s mealie-meal brand, which relies on the food reserve agency maize.


  1. If you can not stand the heat, don’t jump in de hot water.

    Mealie meal politics is for grown ups, not ethusiatic amateurs. Find another career if this one isn’t working.

  2. Well what did they expect? The millers need to explain why their prices are high?
    1. MAZ President Andrew Chintala however says millers cannot reduce the price of their mealie-meal owing to the fluctuating production costs.
    What costs fluctuate that ZNS doesnt face?
    The Millers Chair is waffling in his suggestion about costs. Let him explain exactly what he means when talking about cost being varied.
    For a long time Millers have been acting like a cartel holding the Zambian consumer at ransome. And making this a Political game. Well, lets play with the folks that have bigger pockets. The excuse of cost is a myth. We just have a man that refuses to allow you to continue being abusive to the Zambian consumer…Period!

  3. ZNS mealie meal is cheap because costs are subsidized. They get cheap maize from South Africa, all their labour is paid for by government, all their machinery is bought by government. Now they are even failing to keep up with demand so private millers will still manage to sell to cover the shortfall.

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