First Secretaries- Tourism
1. Jocelyn Mutinta-Germany
2. Twambo Chisamba- Malaysia
3. Doris Koffi- United Kingdom
4. Mundandamo Kaweza- Japan
5. Eugene Mapuwo-Isreal
6. Zondi Chilembo- South Korea
7. Twambo Muzyamba-France
8. Angela Chimpinde-USA -Washington
9. Bright Musesa-Turkey
10.Jessie Simukoko- Egypt
Ministry of Foreign Affairs has appointed First Secretaries in charge of Tourism.
These include Doris Koffi who is going to the United Kingdom, Angela Chimpinde to the United States of America, Joceline Mutinta to Germany and Twambo Chisamba to Malaysia.
Mundandamo Kaweza who has been posted to Japan, Zondi Chilembo to South Korea, Bright Musesa to Turkey, while former Livingstone mayor Eugene Mapuwo has been sent to Israel.
Others are Jessie Simukoko who is going to Egypt, and Twambo Muzyamba former regional tourism coordinator for Copperbelt and North-Western, who is going to France.