He writes:-
THE UPND government should focus on delivering deliverables to our people as opposed to needlessly pursuing the issues of eligibility for the former President.
It is shocking that the chief government spokesperson has rather rendered himself an expert on issues to do with the eligibility of the former president.
The country is bedeviled with a myriad of challenges that are requiring the full attention of this government and as such we expect that this government should focus on addressing those challenges which have negatively affected our people.
The fruitless and vigorous pursuit of former president Edgar Lungu’s eligibility has now become a central focus of this government and in essence it has become a self inflicted destruction.
The extended political witch-hunt on former president has unfortunately driven the registrar of societies to go on an expedition to coerce and blackmail political parties to prematurely hold elections in their respective political parties in an attempt to expose the Status of the former president in the Patriotic Front-PF.
We are all aware that this demand by the register of societies is targeted and aimed at the former President but pretending that it is meant for all political parties.
We think that the desperation of the UPND government to technically knock out Mr Lungu is born out of fear of losing the forthcoming.
Nasson Msoni
All peoples Congress APC