She led the attack on Greens and Economy Minister Hon Mike Mposha with PF cadres on lies that he has premarked ballot papers.
On her command UPND Media journalists where attacked, phones grabbed, undisclosed amount of money was stolen.
She further led the onslaught attack of UPND at camp centers on a lodge searching unknown things.
Kawambwa was calm and mild until she came with certain MPs and tension erupted in Kawambwa.
This does not look good for this lady. One would have thought that she had learned a lesson when she spent one year in incarceration.
It does not look good if you are not UPND or not a Zambezi dweller.
This is how ethnic cleansing starts.
Vote wisely in 2026.
I hear your cry for help and the earlier you can get it, the better.
Sick woman, possessed by the spirit of the person she murdered and only let off by court on a technicality. So, uyu Mumbi Phiri ulaachiwa!! She can even rape some small boys to relieve herself.
Sad that an adult woman can behave in such a manner. She already experienced being imprisoned surly she should avoid trouble. Lock her up. We want peace. All this is done in revenge
Wanting to be “the law unto her self”.
What right do you have to behave like that?
Ba PF keep people who have a tendency for violence away. The Police is there for a reason. Its their job to investigate and enforce the law. Now you listen to innuendo and act on with no to back you up. You are not the law. Your propencity for confusion has now come to visit you.
And Lubinda na mulomo monga mukazi, you go and tell a Priest so that he can do what? Did you go there for confessional? That is how and what they taught you in law school? Another PF ignoramous.
Wait…! hear how Lubinda and Mwamba will twist the story.
Mumbi Phiri is haunted by the 2022 loss. To date she is a wounded creature.
Anything relating to UPND she get agitated and cause damage…chapwa!
This unruly mother never learn. It is an in born characteristic.
This time lock her up for 5 years with hard labour so that she is not available in 2026 or else in company of Horrible Jean Chisenga they will be a noticeable nuisance during campaign.
HH7 mpaka 20 sate 1 and third term.
Why don’t people learn from the past? Violence in Kaoma during the by election there caused the death of Lawrence Banda and later the incarceration of Mumbi Phiri in Mongu, Western Province. Why and how again can she be involved in such faracuss in Kawambwa? Won’t it be a repeat of the same treatment she received in Western Province? These PF leaders like Lubinda should stop inciting other people to do these dirt games and get arrested while him remains free. The stories of violence during campaigns, the stories of pre marked ballot papers, opposition not campaigning in the same zone with the president are all gone, it’s history, they went with PF. There is no genuine member of UPND who can spend his day or night doing the pre marking of ballot papers for a by election. Even during the general elections, such a thing cannot happen, UPND doesn’t even know the tact, where to begin and where to end, those things were synonymous with PF and went with them.
This is the modus operandi of Mr. Lungu’s gang. Always looking for an opportunity to engage in violence. They left their camp and had the audacity to invade their competitor’s camp. This was extreme provocation. They are doing this as an opposition party. What were they capable of as the ruling party? The campaigns were peaceful and that didnot go well with them.
Isiah 59:7,8 aptly describes Mr. Lungu’s PF. “Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood. Their plans are evil plans.
Ruin and destruction mark their ways; the way of peace they donot know.
There is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into crooked roads. No one who walks along them will know peace”.
The perpetrators of this lawlessness must face the full force of the law. We want issue based campaigns devoid of violence.
Even here in kaoma that is how she behaved ended up killing Lawrence banda in site services compound