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Mundubile Plans To Hire Students To Cause Fake Pressure Ahead Of Planned Failed National Assembly Speaker Impeachment But Students Are Resisting Saying PF Scrapped Off Meal


By Koswe


Koswe just arrived at Parliament grounds trying to assesss the situation for the intent to impeach the Speaker of the National Assembly.

Koswe found National Assembly Police having coffee at the gate and complaining of heat . Indeed it is summer time .

After a few sips of abandoned juice near the place of convenience at the gate, Koswe decided to jump into a vehicle which was headed to Mundubile’s home .

There, Koswe found Mundubile making calls to some PF hungry youths, whom he promised to give money so as to book buses to go and protest at the National Assembly grounds to create an impression that the Speaker was unfair .

Meanwhile, the youths also want to secure colossal sums of money then use imingalato against their friends at UNZA .

Through these imingalato , some students will be discouraged from joining this crooked scheme .

Meanwhile, Koswe jumped into Mundubile’s jacked and started listening to a conversation between Mundubile and Emmanuel Mwamba in which Emmanuel Mwamba was suggesting that students from other institutions like Hone and NIPA should have been organized as well.

Koswe later made a call and established that NIPA and Hone College were not easy to arrange .

Meanwhile, Emmnauel Mwamba, suggested that he uses Imingalato on ECL so he produces money stolen from Mukula exports, to sponsor students.

“Bakateka , iyi ni big project. If we execute it well, we can cause more chaos and make this country ungovernable. “Mwamba said .

After a long phone conversation between Emmanuel and Mundubile, Koswe suddenly heard there were youths who were planning to go to see Kambwili to just hear what his benefit is in all this scheme .

Koswe decided to jump into a Yango near the exhaust pipe which was headed to Kambwili’s home. Upon reaching the gate , Koswe notices two small house dogs at the entrance of the door. Realizing these two small dogs were going to cause alarm , Koswe carefully hid his tail and took advantage of the window Kambwili’s maid just delayed to close and jumped into Kabwili’s old Pajama.

Soon some Youths arrived at Kambwili’s home and started telling him to pull out out of the whole Lungu scheme as Lungu could not be trusted .

“Uyu Lungu Nabena Mundubile pamo na Emmanuel Mwamba , bamingalato . Let us just be in the background. There is nothing for us worth fighting for . We shall fight for them and later they will dump us.

Ukwalinsoke , takwafwile muntu ( to be foretold is to be forewarned). “One Chief carder said .

While this was happening, Mundubile was already engaging students and organized a bit of money part of which came from ECL but Mundubile and Emmanuel Mwamba stole part of it claiming it was for fuel .

The idea is for Mundubile to secure buses carrying students to parliament grounds. If that fails , cause a small riot at UNZA .

However, some students are very skeptical on the consequences after this scheme and said , “even if we protest after getting little money , we shall be expelled from the university then ba PF officials will run away . “

Koswe heard one of the students saying , “ they want to give ama K100 then we lose our sponsorship? Ba PF are used to ubufi . They will use us and run away . “

Koswe is assessing the situation and is now by the students Centre having some bottles of castle lite just to hear more of what students are thinking . The general atmosphere is that many students have refused saying “the PF are the ones who scrapped off meal allowances, why would they come back to cheat us ?”

Koswe laughed out and went to see some monks in the Ruins(old residences) , and found some students preparing monk sauce(Kapenta) by International 1-5. Koswe jumped into a jacket of one of the students for fear of being thrown away into a bin together with the residual of secured Monk sauce.

After 5 minutes , Koswe overheard students saying “ba PF nabalubana ( PF are confused ); they are finished and they will never come back . They have no strategy. The problem is that they overrate themselves using criminals from the street . Abena Emmanuel , nabalubana and they have stopped thinking “.

Koswe later withdrew and found a dust bin near the Monk Square just to watch over the situation and to monitor PF carders coming into the campus , including the students they are using.

Details coming….


  1. Kulibe, we won’t buy this cheap and useless propaganda. The speaker has failed us terrible and she needs to go. We can’t allow our institutions of governance to continue being abused and misused in this way. We want sanity and the rule of law to apply. UPND is a total disaster I regret voting for them!

  2. I voted for UPND as well, and I totally regret doing so.

    They are a tribalist bunch of corrupt conmen and are not interested in Zambia progressing.

    Let us vote them out in 2026.

    Let Hakainde destroy the biggest opposition of he wants, but others will be born and hopefully rescue this country from this tribalist man.

  3. Maybe I haven’t gotten you well, giving students ama k100, is that not just fooling and abusing our children? Bale ichusha fye, come 2026, Bally will still win with a big margin again, that I can assure you. Students can’t make that mistake of going back to the same PF which withdrew their meal allowances which Bally restored and may increase before the next elections. Bally is steady ahead of these these guys and is un stoppable, wukuleka fye.

  4. Pcm and indigo Tyrol go and cheat your children we all know that you voted PF criminals.. you can not tell me that what jj Banda said was good to start telling the securities that come and remove me and you shall see, from my end you tell that the boy had a grudge with speaker.For kangombe I think the speaker was not fair that what I can say.

  5. PF problems are like a Deep Seated chipute!
    They want their stinking pus to engulf the peace of the nation!
    First, PF don’t want to respect the Speaker because she is a woman. They want to Speaker to give in to their every f00lish demands and when she hits back they start convulsing in rage.
    I blame HH for leaving a determined enemy of the state behind which has now regrouped and is now aiming for the Jugular!
    If ba UPND continue treating the PF terrorist organization with kid gloves, they will castrate you the day you lose power!
    Put your foot down and clamp down on all who are agitating for mass protests!
    If it means them calling you dictators, please do so to protect our peace.
    You are still cleaning up the PF economic mess they left behind and now that UPND has achieved Debt restructuring, they want to come back and loot! They failed to sort out the debt mess they created.
    Even if Mealie meal costs K1,000 like in DRC, we are not going back to clueless PF!
    We’ll double our efforts to grow more under Pivot irrigation!

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