Musamba at it again, Punishing the victim- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Musamba at it again, Punishing the victim

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba Wrote;

On the eve of the Kawambwa by-election, the Opposition received a credible report that the UPND team led by Minister of Green Economy and Environment, Mike Mposha was camped at a school where they were collecting voters cards and NRCs from voters at a fee.

This act is illegal and amounts to electoral fraud.

Hon. Mumbi Phiri decided to verify and found Mposha ready handed.

But the Zambia Police are not interested in Mposha’s crimes but are focusing on Mumbi Phiri’s alleged tresspass, and not the exposed and established electoral irregularities.


  1. Bwamba your twisting truths does work when will that sink in that thick head of yours? So you think for any pfidiot rabid bitch to turn herself into law enforcement, let go to force head quarters and show her authority kaili!!!

  2. 1. Is Mr. Mwamba an eye witness to the events he is repoting so authoritatively?

    2. Why did Mrs. Mumbi not report what is alleged to the relevant authorities?

    • One would have to ask. This is why he has earned himself the name “Ambassador of lies”. Always supporting wrong.
      What was Mumbi Phiri doing at someone else’s hotel room? Wasnt the Police the appropriate place to take their concern (if any).
      Mwamba loves innuendo just like Mumbi and this is why they end up on the wrong end of the law


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