MMD leader Nevers Mumba says PF faction secretary general Raphael Nakachinda will go to jail if he fails to account for the motor vehicles on his former party.

And MMD spokesperson Brendel Phillip said Nakacinda needed to sit and introspect because his arrogance would not take him anywhere.

When Lusaka High Court judge Pixie Yangailo recently delivered a judgment in which she ordered Nakachinda to immediately return all the 26 motor vehicles that he gifted late president Rupiah Banda, Nakachinda provided a list of vehicles that were given to party officials and were never retrieved from them.

Nakachinda said the vehicles were sold by the previous MMD national executive committee (NEC) headed by Mumba. He said the funds, if any, were paid before he assumed office and that he merely completed the transactions as the buyers wanted to effect a change of ownership.

Speaking in an interview with Daily Revelation over the weekend, Mumba said the court judgment was against Nakacinda who illegally held office of the MMD national secretary. He said the court wanted Nakacinda to account not just by producing

Daily Revelation


  1. Mr Mumba we know you can,t bite a finger that feeds you.You have continued to show some of us your low caliber of leadership.How can you compare a football team and running a country?Shame on you and if i were you i would have just kept quite and say i can,t comment on the issue which is in court than giving examples which are so meaningless do you even know anything in the constitution of Zambia bwana?

  2. Zambians take lightly positions of public trust. When we speak of accountability. Here it is. Failing to do so while acting like the issue should be taken lightly. I have the courts met the full extent of the law on erring people. Look at tge arrogance that Saboi stated when fined. She clearly is not remorseful for the utterance and malice she spread.
    Nakachinda has been in and out of police cells and painting the picture as if the Police are wrong. Yet the Police will only arrest on the basis of facts presented to them. DPP will weight if the facts will stand in court. And Naoachinda and Mwamba was to set aside laws for their fancy.

  3. An office bearer who “gifts” a former president 26 institutional vehicles. Where did Mr. Nakachinda get the authority to dispose of party assets in such a casual manner? Can such an individual be trusted with our property (government office and property)?

    The words of Isiah 59:7,8 (NIV) aptly describe Mr. Lungu’s PF. “Their feet rush into sin (uubomba mwibala alya mwibala); They are swift to shed innocent blood (Glazar Matapa, Mapenzi Chibulo, young pupil Mugala, Nsama Nsama, Vesper, Joseph Kaunda). Their thoughts are evil thoughts (Bill 10). Ruin and destruction mark their ways. The way of peace they donot know. There is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into crooked roads; no one who walks along them will know peace (Mr. Lungu’s PF has brought untold misery upon our nation).

    Brackets are my additions.

  4. Nakachinda has various court cases before him which will definitely see him behind bars before 2026. The only reason he wants lungu to be president again is so that his cases can disappear and that he can be pardoned.


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