No pain can supersede labor pains. I have given birth three times, so this is nothing. I am a strong woman- Hon. Maureen Mabonga


No pain can supersede labor pains. I have given birth three times, so this is nothing. I am a strong woman,

…..Patriotic Front Family Stands United: Hon. Maureen Mabonga’s Resilient Release….

Lusaka. 6 June, 2024

In a heartwarming display of unity and strength, the Patriotic Front Party leaders this afternoon gathered outside Chimbokaila Prison to await the release of Hon. Maureen Mabonga, the dedicated Mfuwe Member of Parliament.

The anticipation was palpable as the party’s Secretary General, Hon. Raphael Nakacinda, and National Women’s Chairlady, Mulenga Kampamba, led the assembly, underscoring the deep familial bonds that tie the party together.

As Hon. Maureen Mabonga stepped out of the prison, having spent more than seven days incarcerated on charges of hate speech, she was met with cheers and unwavering support from her party members.

Her resilience shone through as she addressed the crowd, her voice filled with determination and pride. “No pain can supersede labor pains. I have given birth three times, so this is nothing. I am a strong woman,” said Hon. Maureen Mabonga, Mfuwe Member of Parliament, upon her release from prison.

She took a moment to express her heartfelt gratitude to President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the entire Patriotic Front family for their steadfast support. “I want to thank President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the entire PF family for standing with me during this trying time,” Mabonga said, her voice full of appreciation.

The scene was a powerful reminder that the Patriotic Front is not just a political party, but a family that stands together through trials and tribulations. The presence of the leaders and members at Chimbokaila Prison symbolized their collective support and unwavering solidarity. The atmosphere was charged with emotions as the group celebrated Mabonga’s release, capturing the essence of their motto: “We are not just a party! We are a Family!”

 Smarteagles 礪


  1. Wait and see when the war you want breaks out, you will be fleeing whilst in labor and the same labor pain will be many times more painful. Chimbokaila nika dyonko ce, wait for Mukobeko

  2. Wait and see when the war you want breaks out, you will be fleeing whilst in labor and the same labor pain will be many times more painful. Chimbokaila nika dyonko ce, wait for Mukobeko

  3. The reason you had labour pains was because you gave birth to Lungu, Kaiser and Kambwili
    Please shut that hole in your face

  4. The reason you had labour pains was because you gave birth to Lungu, Kaiser and Kambwili
    Please shut that hole in your face

  5. Are the above useless Praise Thugs the people the Mingalatoon has placed to monitor people ‘s posts??
    Full of insults… what value can one get from such dregs of society? Any way birds of the same feathers flock together…hardly surprising.

  6. Are the above useless Praise Thugs the people the Mingalatoon has placed to monitor people ‘s posts??
    Full of insults… what value can one get from such dregs of society? Any way birds of the same feathers flock together…hardly surprising.

  7. It is too early to make a statement of this nature as if the case has been disposed off completely in her favour.

  8. It is too early to make a statement of this nature as if the case has been disposed off completely in her favour.

  9. Like father (Chagwa), like daughter. Doing all sorts of wrongs. You are rightfully arrested, you want to be the “hero”!
    Self-inflicted labor pains.
    Just that we can’t read the end of the story, but we will still get there.

  10. Like father (Chagwa), like daughter. Doing all sorts of wrongs. You are rightfully arrested, you want to be the “hero”!
    Self-inflicted labor pains.
    Just that we can’t read the end of the story, but we will still get there.

  11. This tribalist Maureen Mabonga cannot talk about trials and tribulations because she is not being persecuted but facing justice because of her careless diarrhoea mouth of uttering hate speech and tribal remarks. The PF party of thugs and hooliganism has no moral right today to complain of political violence and bad governance. The PF government was under Edgar Chagwa Lungu was founded on thuggery and barbaric rule. PF does not respect the rule of law and human rights.

    It is insulting the integrity of humanity to compare her self imposed incarceration in prison to labour pains. This women no shame her boosting that she is a strong woman is meant to deviate public attention from her crime she committed and to use femininity to attract public sympathy.

    It is a wise thing to think carefully and be slow to speak than someone to use political emotions to provoke the government. The PF is a panic mood and it is using underhand methods to destabilise the peace and unity among our people through also provocative engagements.

  12. This tribalist Maureen Mabonga cannot talk about trials and tribulations because she is not being persecuted but facing justice because of her careless diarrhoea mouth of uttering hate speech and tribal remarks. The PF party of thugs and hooliganism has no moral right today to complain of political violence and bad governance. The PF government was under Edgar Chagwa Lungu was founded on thuggery and barbaric rule. PF does not respect the rule of law and human rights.

    It is insulting the integrity of humanity to compare her self imposed incarceration in prison to labour pains. This women no shame her boosting that she is a strong woman is meant to deviate public attention from her crime she committed and to use femininity to attract public sympathy.

    It is a wise thing to think carefully and be slow to speak than someone to use political emotions to provoke the government. The PF is a panic mood and it is using underhand methods to destabilise the peace and unity among our people through also provocative engagements.

  13. She doesn’t seem to understand the gravity of the crime she committed.
    Wait for the pain that will come after you get convicted and eviction from Parliament!
    That is when you will feel the real pain worse than the pain you are talking about!
    Destroying yourself with your own mouth is the worst calamity anyone can bring on themselves!
    Us who have intermarried across the artificial divides of tribe abhor tribalists!
    Let all tribalists be treated as terrorists and enemies of the state deserving the maximum sentence!

  14. She doesn’t seem to understand the gravity of the crime she committed.
    Wait for the pain that will come after you get convicted and eviction from Parliament!
    That is when you will feel the real pain worse than the pain you are talking about!
    Destroying yourself with your own mouth is the worst calamity anyone can bring on themselves!
    Us who have intermarried across the artificial divides of tribe abhor tribalists!
    Let all tribalists be treated as terrorists and enemies of the state deserving the maximum sentence!

  15. Madam you fainted, and the case has just started, don’t insult the crocodile before you cross the river, playing to the gallery will leave you in isolation

  16. Madam you fainted, and the case has just started, don’t insult the crocodile before you cross the river, playing to the gallery will leave you in isolation


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