…to contribute to emission reduction and transition to renewable energy, the importation of vehicles using fuels (petrol and diesel) for internal combustion engines is prohibited….
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia presents its compliments to all Diplomatic and Consular Missions, Regional and International Organizations in Addis Ababa and has the honour to draw the attention of the latter to the following direction on the importation of vehicles.
The Ministry wishes to inform all Diplomatic and Consular Missions, Regional and International Organizations in Addis Ababa that in light of the pressing challenges posed by climate change and Ethiopia’s commitment to contribute to emission reduction and transition to renewable energy, the importation of vehicles using fuels (petrol and diesel) for internal combustion engines is prohibited.
All those with diplomatic privileges are required to continue importing only electric vehicles as per the direction enforce for duty free importation of vehicles.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all Diplomatic and Consular Missions, Regional and International Organizations in Addis Ababa, the assurance of its highest consideration.

Jokers. Where are charging points outside Addis? In Hon. Minister wet dreams?
Jokers. Where are charging points outside Addis? In Hon. Minister wet dreams?
No wonder this country is poverty stricken.Ethiopians are running away from this country because of confused leaders.
No wonder this country is poverty stricken.Ethiopians are running away from this country because of confused leaders.
Load shedding will kill them.
Load shedding will kill them.