There is a fight among OPPOSITION members.
Initially they agreed that if UKWA fields a candidate in a particular area, Tonse should not but little did they know that Edgar Lungu cannot be trusted.
Lungu instead told his people field everywhere leaving Kalaba and his IPhone and Fred M’membe with his tajili Vaseline with no choice but to also field.
It impossible for crooks to join and work together genuinely
Where every party president wants to be the president of the alliance, there can be no unit, confusion reigns.
That is, maybe, the Plan B – to create chaos in the opposition and claim that someone else is doing it.
When Lungu says opposition should unit behind a single candidate, he simply means all the opposition should support his choice and himself in particular when it’s time for elections. That’s part of his imingalato! It’s a pity the opposition still doesn’t know that it’s dealing with a conman whose messages are and intent are meant to con believers. You deal with Lungu at your own risk.