…..as they say the Presiding officer has lost respect, he is supposed to accord to elected Members of Parliament
Kelvin Sichizya
October 8, 2023- Kasama- Opposition Members of Parliament have demanded the removal of the Second Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Moses Moyo whom they say has lamentably failed to handle the affairs of the House
Leader of Opposition in Parliament Brian Mundubile said at a Press Briefing that he was declaring war against Mr. Moyo becuase “in two years, Moyo had failed to learn how to handle that House”
People get Certificates and Diplomas in two years, why cant Moyo, for once, learn how to handle the House “We will not allow Moyo to become a champion in that House, infact, I am declaring war on Moyo, he will not have it easy in that House” and declared that he was ready to face the consquencies.
“We will not sit back and allow this incompetent Presiding Officer called Moyo to destroy the House,” “its about the country”
Mr. Mundubile said ” We demand that Moyo is removed as Speaker from that House” “we have been quite to give Moyo time to learn, but now we do not want him to preside in that House becuase he is reducing the decorum and ettiquet of that House”
The PF Members of Parliament were briefing the Press on the current goings on in the House such as the ejection of the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament for raising a point of order