Opposition, Pull Up Your Socks – Nobert Mumba


Nobert Mumba wrote

Opposition, Pull Up Your Socks

It is clear the opposition is in disarray, disorganised and unlikely to win the upcoming by-elections and even the 2026 General Election. The shortcomings are as follows:

1. Miscomprehending the extent to which Zambians are dissatisfied with performance of government.
2. Failure to exhibit leadership suitably positioned to lead a nation.

3. Total disunity within and between opposition parties.
4. Except for Socialist Party, all others lack ideology foundation on which to build economic policies.
5. Do not expound what it will do if voted into power.

6. Total lack of clarity on an opposition frontrunner.
7. Poor campaign messages with no economic direction.
8. Floating recycled politicians with no impetus to drive the much needed economic change.

9. Unprincipled leaders that will cross floors at any dangling of a carrot.
10. Lack of focus on women and youth unemployment.

Opposition must understand that it is not change at any cost. There must be a demonstration of credible alternative. Blessed 2025 friends.


  1. By 2026, the main opposition political party PF will be just a shadow of itself. The other smaller parties will not be able to give UPND any significant competition.

  2. Not sure I know the meaning of the often heard term ” recycled politicians”. Citizens have the right to participate in politics as long as they’re energetic and their health is still good enough. The right to vote is often accompanied by the right to be voted for. Norbert Mumba would do well to scrutinise terms before using them. Old-established democracies have been known to have Senators and Members of Parliament who have been there for longer than 50 years. Our legislature should be a mixture of the old and the young and the experienced just like society itself.

  3. How can you have an opposition party whose is manifesto:-


    2. To remove HH and UPND from power
    at all cost come 2026.
    It is clearly they don’t have any agenda for the people of Zambia apart from their own political egos.

    To hell. My foot!

  4. I wonder if we live in the same country. It’s pity Zambians are easily bought to write bad things about the opposition. The truth is that Upnd is dead on the ground because of their selfishness and greediness. There’s nobody who likes a selfish person. You saw in Kawambwa Upnd failed to hold rallies, even their president failed to go hold any rally there! PF is still intact and very strong on the ground because of the selfishness that Hichilema and Upnd have displayed! They tried to destroy PF by installing Miles Sampa as president, it didn’t work then they replaced him with Chabinga, it hasnt worked. Even if you are very dull sure can you think of killing another party so that you become popular. Fortunately these are actions have made Hichilema very unpopular. And then Hichilema blocks Lungu from standing in 2026, we all know that it’s him behind all this. The whole world is laughing at Zambia. In trying to make sure Hichilema consolidates his hold on power he has become very unpopular in the whole country! Democracy is not about fighting or killing other people, it’s about the best candidate to win. You can’t force people to be the best candidate because people have eyes to see, ears to hear and mouths to talk! So don’t write lies about PF and Edgar Lungu. Hichilema ale fyenga Lungu, nomba fika mubwelela Hichilema. God punishes evil with evil. So next write the truth that Upnd and Hichilema are finished, they have no support in the country! They are failures and will not another chance to rule the country..

    • Mandanda you are fullish like Indigo Tyrol
      You’re supposed to be dead with bitterness
      You have talked so much rabish without a single proof that HH7 is unpopular. Can’t you see what’s happening in Petauke as an example? Anyway this country has idyotis and you happen to be one of those
      Is it HH who changed the constitution that less than three years is not a full term? Why didn’t you stop that change because it’s wrong?
      It’s only the truth that will stand the test of time. By ConCourt setting the record straight they’re simply upholding this belief
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  5. Instead of coming up with the good manifesto more especially amid the challenges that we are facing as a nation the opposition is just there talking about electricity, hunger caused by drought and personal attacks on the president who’s powers can’t bring the rains to rectify these problems, the opposition is becoming more useless than before, and it seems like they have been bewitched by their ghosts because they can’t think beyond this


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