Perceived Development in Luapula is PF imagination – Nalumango


Perceived Development in Luapula is PF imagination – Nalumango
MWENSE – 31.10.22
Vice President Mutale Nalumango says the Former ruling party, the Patriotic Front was running the country full of deceit by projecting development that never existed in luapula province.

Speaking during a public rally held to drum up support for UPND Mwense Council Chairperson by elections candidate Stephen Chikota at Mulundu Primary school grounds today,Ms Nalumango says the province has remained under developed despite having been one of the bedrocks for the Patriotic Front.

She wonders where the former ruling party took the development that it’s members of Parliament Keep boasting about when most of the areas have remained under developed.

Mrs Nalumango says voting for a PF council Chairperson is the worst mistake the people of Mwense will make during this Thursday’s polls because of different political ideologies PF has compared to that the ruling United Party For National Development.
She explains that the UPND has only been in power for twelve months and has done alot of things such as providing free Education that the PF failed to achieve in the last ten years.

The Vice President was accompanied by several NMC members such as Gilbert Liswaniso, John Chinyanta,Edith Kamanga and Isidore Tetamashimba as well as SME Minister Elias Mubanga


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