Petauke council worker arrested for causing death of a woman after a VIAGRA overdose in a lodge


This is Christopher Chiwila, a Procurement Officer at Petauke town council who has caused the Death of a Lusaka Business Woman by putting Viagra pill in her beer.

What started like some business deals with a Lusaka Business Woman, who wanted to win some CDF Contracts, has made her life to be harvested at an early stage.

Christopher Chiwila who is currently in Police custody,Could use his position of Procurement Officer to maroon the Lusaka Business Woman at a named Lodge ,as per custom,while we are discussing business deals, thirsty for illegal CDF Contracts should be quenched with some bottles of beer.

The Lusaka Business Woman could not refuse as she wanted to use short cuts to win some CDF Contracts.

Christopher Chiwila took advantage of her and squeezed some Viagra pills into her glass of beer, while she was answering the call of nature.

This resulted into Christopher Chiwila having sex with her and as the results of Viagra pills overdose,she died instantly while Chiwila was still touching her.


  1. This story doesn’t make any sense. How and what purpose would one give Viagra to a woman to take? Can someone come up with a better story here on why this woman died!


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