Home Politics PF PF and the Zambian debt, economic situation

PF and the Zambian debt, economic situation


Laura Miti writes…

PF and the Zambian debt, economic situation

BBC Focus on Africa, last evening, had as one of its headline questions – Just how did Zambia get itself into such unsustainable debt?

Yoh, that hurt to hear!

To imagine that PF leaders have the temerity to suggest that, because the economy is biting citizens so hard, they should be voted back into power.

Never have they expressed remorse for murdering the thriving economy they found, because they are not sorry. They are not sorry they borrowed drunkenly and proceeded to largely distribute the money into pockets – their own, their family’s, girlfriends and hangers on.

The reason they are not sorry is because we Zambians allow them to talk crap in our ears, and even go on to repeat it to our friends.

We allow them to celebrate the difficulty the country is facing in negotiating with multiple private creditors – the kaloba type that no country should borrow from.

Meanwhile, the world looks at us begging creditors for understanding, creditors who each, mercilessly, want a piece of us and wonders – just how did Zambia, after having had it’s debt forgiven, find himself drowning again.

And we let PF leaders, not new ones, – the very ones who arrogantly shouted us down, as they borrowed and borrowed – we let them continue to arrogantly open their collective mouths.


  1. Then they even celebrate the failure to secure restructuring of the debt which they incurred. And they feed us with a steady daily diet of alebwelelepo nonsense. How despicable and what a laught.

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