PF Faction SG Nakachinda has demanded a written apology from Dandy Krazy’s widow for visiting the UPND Secretariat


PF Faction Secretary General Raphael Nakachinda has demanded a written apology from Dandy Krazy’s widow, Hellen Chalwe for visiting the UPND Secretariat without express permission from the main opposition party.

“We don’t mean to hurt her feelings. But as PF and Tonse, we demand for an apology from Mrs Chibambo for visiting people who are arresting us everyday”, said Nakachinda angrily when he saw pictures of Dandy Crazy’s widow walking with UPND members.- Zambia accurate information


  1. NakaDodix, Zambia is bigger than you. You were busy boasting about the miserable contribution you made at the funeral. Unknown to you, the one’s who made a massive contribution are quiet. Just stick to yowa lane as a certified political prostitute who is only there to fill his own belly, mot serve the people of Zambia.

  2. What kind of rubbish is this? Is Nakacinda in his right state of mind? I find this ranting extremely inhuman and grossly childish. Does PF own families now? No wonder their illusory sense of entitlement to the governance of this country.

  3. These are UPND lies.

    And yet they want to introduce cyber security laws yet they are the ones committing cyber crimes and creating fake news.

    They are experts at insults and lies.

    Vote wisely in 2026.


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