Lusaka Lawyer Celestine Mambula Mukandila


…says Sampa must have been longing to know how it feels like winning an election at a convention

Lusaka, Wednesday, November 1, 2023 (Smart Eagles)

While mocking Miles Sampa over his “illegal” presidency, Patriotic Front (PF) member Celestine Mambula Mukandila says Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu is the only person the party has as President.

And Mr Mukandila, who is a well-spoken lawyer based in Lusaka maintained that no procedure was followed at the “convention” that saw Mr Sampa ascend to the presidency.

He explained when he featured on Lusaka Music Radio earlier today that Mr Sampa only wanted to know what it feels like to win an election at a party convention.

“We had nine candidates, how many candidates were there? Only one. So for me, Miles Sampa was having a mock exercise to try and see how a convention ought to be held, not that that gathering can be called a convention. Remember we needed delegates from all the 10 provinces in the numbers of 600 or 500,” he said.

“But, you can clearly see from the videos that those were less than 210 people. And as a matter of fact, Miles Sampa wanted to know how a convention can be held or how it would feel to win an election at a convention. It was a mock exercise, the final exam ought to have taken place in an event that president Lungu decided not to come back. We should have still gone ahead to have a convention where all the nine candidates including honourable Miles Sampa was going to be present and details were going to be assessed by the national council…”

He disclosed that Sampa’s meeting at Mulungushi International Conference Centre was not sanctioned by the party.

“That particular meeting that Miles Sampa had was neither sanctioned by the party nor the central committee. Remember, notice has to be given by the Secretary General of the Patriotic Front. And of course, this drama we are seeing today should be considered as mere drama which is going to be outlived by the process that we have in court. The Patriotic Front has one president and that is president Edgar Lungu,” he said.

Mr Mukandila said president Lungu’s Leave from active politics did not remove him from being president of the party.

“According to the PF constitution, if the person elected as the president of the party does not become Republican president, he/she shall continue to be the party president until a president is elected at another convention,” he said.

“Despite the fact that president Lungu decided to leave active politics, this constitution has provided that he continued to be the president of the party, henceforth, the reason we indicated that we could not be swayed by any authority into changing office bearers at the Registrar of Societies.”


  1. Zambians should not worry about this poorly written drama authored and directed by one Hakainde Hichilema. Co-edited by Siandenge, Mwimbu, Graphel Musamba will one day come to an end. It will be very disastrous end for Upnd, because it will be the end of the road for Upnd because Zambians are very annoyed with the way Hichilema and Upnd have taken them to fools den! If Hichilema thinks he will keep on fooling Zambians, there’s nothing that goes on forever. We thank the Lord Almighty for Hichilema and his Upnd heavily campaigning for Edgar Lungu and PF. God is good for all those who believe and bad for non believers! Upnd and and Sampa are gone and finished. No amount of bribery will help them. Infact Sampa and his dull colleague hijackers will pay heavily, they will have to pay back all the money they earning illegally.

  2. It is funny that the so called incapable and illegal person is actually making serious changes that have a lasting impacted on the entire structure of the same Party.

    What do we citizens believe. Do we listen to the powerless and illegitimate people talking viciously on various media houses or trust in the ones who speak less but at a stroke of a pen make very important and significant changes.

    This is a paradox created by tricky politicians trying to out smart their opponents.

    Truth be told, an external attack from an out side opponent can be easily defeated.
    On the other hand an internal enemy is dangerous as they know the various weak points to poke into. To make matters worse ,under estimating such a lethal opponent will produce devasting irreparable consequences.

    Advise to the wise. Evaluate the pros and cons. Capitalize on the recovery and rebirth of this embattled political party. The best action to be undertaken for now is an out of court settlement before you lose everything. Get off that mighty horse humble yourselves and approach your brother with sincere hearts and work towards true and meaningful reconciliation. Stubborness will certainly cost much if paid attention too.

    From where we outsiders look. This may be the only meaningful card you are left with.

  3. The pf had some very distinguished lawyers such as this Mr Mukandila, former LAZ President Hon. Mr George Chisanga, Hon. Mr Makebi Zulu. But the first time any mention that former President Lungu was just on leave, it came from Bowman Lusambo and now all these distinguished lawyers are saying the same. Sometimes my mind strays.

    Anyhow the only clarity I request from these learned people is, (which former LAZ President failed to answer on radio the other day), if former President Lungu was on leave, why was getting his benefits as prescribed under the “Benefits of former presidents (amended) act of 1998?

    Or was this just another one of many disregards of the Zambian Constitution which the pf is known for?

  4. If former president Lungu was just on leave then he must pay back all monies spend on him for salary housing travel etc. He was getting retirement monies under false pretences.

    • So true, PF are known for lawlessness. Edgar commited fraud by drawing on former presidents benefits. While in office he occupied 4 houses at govt expense. All that expense except the state house and state lodge, must be paid back.

  5. Personally I have no regard for Lungu, he has been an illegitimate president both in PF and Zambia going by his initial ascendancy to both.

    This is the bogus lawyer who swindled a widow of akanyampuku, this is the same one who fooled his fellow fools to remain in office after the dissolution of Parliament. This is the same fool who has failed to fulfill his campaign promises that he will hand back power to himself and arrest innocent HH, I don’t know for what crime.

    Ati ba Lawyer? Ala bungwele ni bungwele, eifi twaleita ati fi mataba, my former neighbors and school mates know what I am talking about it, kikikikikiki. S I PF & Lungu.

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